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Ever since I was little, I've wanted my life to be like a movie. Where everything is perfect. And even if something goes wrong, the plot magically evens out and ends in a happily ever after.
Well, sixteen years later, I'm here. I'm starting high school with the unrealistic expectations that were stowed upon me from a young age. I just want to walk through the doors of North Shore Academy and have every guy to fall in love with me. I'll be stuck choosing one out of the many, but I'll ultimately go for the one I think I'm least compatible with. Then, we'll live happily ever...

"Wake up, asshat! You're gonna be late for junior year at your new school" My brother, Matt, grabbed my left shoulder and violently started shaking me to wake me from my deep dreams.
"Ugh" I groaned. I rubbed eyes, as if doing that would make me not want to go back to sleep. "I'm not ready to go to your stupid school yet."
I used to go to a crusty ass public school, where everyone was on crack-cocaine and could care less about academics. My brother's school, on the other hand, was a top notch private school that he got a scholarship to for lacrosse. My parents would've never thought of sending us to some prissy school like North Shore, especially since tuition is $1700 a month. Everyone that goes there has money. Some sort of connection to someone important that makes you high class. Daddy's money can buy you the best, I guess. All the girls wear Gucci and Louis Vuitton. You'll catch all the guys with Yeezys and RayBans. For what it's worth, I'm surprised the school doesn't have some uptight dress code. A small part of me wish they did, so I didn't get made fun of for my Target shirts and checkered Vans. But regardless, I still had to attend this ritzy school.

I continued to get out of my bed and head to the bathroom to attempt to look half decent. My hair is thrown all over my face and you could see the crust on my mouth from when I drooled last night.
"Alright, this is what I have to work with. I can do this." I said under my breath.
Who am I kidding? I can't fix that mess. As soon as a brush touches my hair, it frizzes up. And no amount of concealer could cover the craters in my face. Hell, Charlotte Tilbury couldn't even fix me.
Right as I was about to run some eyebrow gel through my wild, unplucked brows, I heard a heavy knock of my door.
"Let's go, Dayna! I ain't got all day!"
Matt was driving us to school in his beat up, red Honda Civic. There were dents in the door from when the previous owner's girlfriend found out he was cheating on her. It didn't seem to bother Matt that he didn't have a fancy car like everyone else at his school. Even the janitor at North Shore was driving an Audi. I, on the other hand, was completely bothered. I know that the other kids in 11th grade were going to be judging me because of the car I arrived in. It wasn't something I particularly wanted to deal with right now, but did I even have a choice anymore?

Matt is the most redneck hillbilly I've even known. On the way to school, he made me listen to the ear-wrenching country music on his phone. Some band named Alabama-Mississippi Line or something?
"Matt" I sighed "I'm tired of hearing about tractors, beer, and sad relationships."
His eyes were tightened on the road but I could feel him roll his eyes.
"My car, my music" he said "you don't like it? Walk. Get out and walk."
The way he treated me was so aggressive. Everyone else is like sibling goals. Matt and I? Well we're a whole...mess. Everything I do, Matt is there to critique and nitpick. But I've learned to shut my mouth and let it be. That's all you can do sometimes.

I could feel my stomach tighten into an intense knot. This school was more intimidating when you're actually a student. I was legitimately nervous just looking at all the 6 figure cars in the parking lot. I think Matt could feel the nervous aura radiating from my body. "You're gonna be fine, Day. Even though you're my annoying little sister, you know I'll be here for you whenever you need me. Okay? Now, get out of my car".
Nothing better than some brotherly love.

I took a deep breath in, large enough that it felt like my lungs could burst if I took in anymore oxygen. I released the carbon dioxide my body built up and shook out my jitters. I was 3 feet away from a brand new humility.

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