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Author: hey people I'm trying new things so sorry it this has bad grammar or anything but I really do hope that you like it and things because it's my first chenry story that I'm publishing in public I write them all the time bbut as yeah you get it I hope.         

Oh and also this book does have cussing and stuff in it so if you about that life then you have stayed maybe if not then ok alright I'm done with this let's get to the story.......

Charlotte's pov

Me and Jasper and his girlfriend were at Henry house studying or at least I was Jasper was to busy like dirty at his girlfriend while she was looking at her phone she was in his lap I was on the floor studying on the coffee table (A: Like she was doing in season 1 ep 1 but she way older like in season 4 older) I like it there for some reason Henry was kinda of studying but he was on the opposite side of couch he was had a book in his lap but he also was looking over criminal files just for fun I was thinking about how he looked nice in his plaid shirt that had 2 unbutton and how good he looked with  his chest out a bit but of courseas I wasn't thinking of him like that but maybe I was but anyways it was quiet until Henry's little sister came in and started yelling. "I AM NOT OK"Piper said "what's up " Sarah said (aka Jasper's GF) getting out of Jasper lap standing in front of Piper "My stupid phone went dead again fast then it should be" Piper complained "Or maybe your just on it to much and don't ever charge it" Jasper said with sass. And then out of a sudden pipper went crazy and start attacking Jasper like cazy as she always does so we all jump up and try to pull her off him.

Henry's pov

So as we're all trying to pull my sister Piper off of Jasper because as we all know no one can be on Jasper but Sarah if you know what I mean but yeah anyways as we got Piper off Jasper I noticed Charlotte looked cute in her litte shirt and how good her boobs looked in it but I looked away fast before she could see me or before I thought she she could "what"Charlotte questioned with a wtf are you looking at look "nothing nothing at all" I said with a smirk but it was to late Sarah already caught me looking so that stuck because she has teased me and char about each other for years, months, she gave me this looks like oh really now and she laughed with a smirk on her face and I rolled my eyes at her and whispered "shut up" without anyone hearing as we were holding Piper back she got out of our grip and she had stomped up stairs then my watch beep triple beep and only Me Charlotte and Jasper knew what that meant so we gave each other the look like we got to go so as me and Charlotte ran out the door to go to Junk N Stuff Jasper told his gf to go home and he'll see her at school tomorrow and he loved her then some how caught up to us.

So as they ran into the store and went into the elevator and went down to the man cave and saw Ray and Schwoz by the monitors as the we're laughing "what's so funny" Henry questioned with a confused look "oh were looking at a comdies" Ray said laughing  "we we're studying we have a quiz to take why did you beep us well Henry" Charlotte said "because we want to watch it with you guys" Ray said Turing facing them then back to the monitors "Are you serious"they all said together "And exactly what kind of comdies"Jasper said walking towards them "Really"Henry said looking at Jasper "what" Jasper said turning back looking at Henry "Nothing fuck it what are we watching" Henry said then going to Join the boys to the monitors but then they moved to the couch and play a comedy on big TV coming from the ceiling while Charlotte was still standing there giving them all the look "why are you still standing there char" Henry said looking at Charlotte standing up from the couch "Ughhh I'm going home to study" Charlotte said Walking to the tubes "Up the tube" Charlotte said "Bye, alright lets get back to it" Henry said sitting back down then everyone started looking at Henry "what" Henry said "seem like you in" schwoz said chuckling "what are you talking about" Henry said with confusion "it's obvious that you guys should date I mean it's about time" Jasper said chuckling as well "Shut up" Henry said turning back to the movie but he kept thinking about what Jasper said.

Author:And that's it well until next chapter but anyways I hope you all like it the next chapter will be better much better but I hope this one was good enough I'll make the next one so much better you will be amazed I hope but yeah sorry if this was not good I hope it was because I only had so much time to do this because I was busy all day but yeah hope you enjoyed it you all are amazing for reading this and your just amazing alright I'm done

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