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Jackson was put on the gurrny and the men took him away Lila held Lydia in her arms as she cried

Alot happened. Stiles did bad. Then he did good. Then. The world went crazy again. Panic seemed to crawl out and attack everyone when someone. Was found hurt.  Lisa ran on long for who it was.  Scott's mom tried for her son. And then they found them.  Jackson. Lying on the grass. And it looked like he did it himself. 

"Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Lila turned and panic once again took control. 

"Where Where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?!"


Lila knocked on the door, finally after what seemed like days but really was only hours she had gotten a call from Lydia telling her what had happened. Now he she was in front of Stiles door.

"Dad! I just I said I was okay. God." She heard but knocked once again

"Dad, I said I'm fine." She frowned giving it one more knock before the door opened

"Come on, Dad. How many times... Hi." Lilas smiled a little

"Hi." He opened the door more motioning her to come in.

Lila walked into the room and Stiles eyes widened.

"Lila?" Lila smiled

"ug yeah, your dad let me in"

"oh" Lila nodded and avoided looking at him, hurt etched into her heart. She looked down to his desk and raised an eyebrow confused

"Why do you have women's jewelry?" she asked turning towards him.

"Oh! Uh, nothing, it's just some stuff I bought, you know, for your birthday." he said trailing off awkwardly and a smile came to her face as she looked down at the gifts

" For me? Stiles my birthday isn't for mouths"

" Yeah, I just I kind of still can't figure out what to get you, so I just bought you, like, a bunch of stuff. Like, a lot of stuff. You know, I was gonna return anything that I didn't give you." Lila smiled and giggled as she looked down

" A flat-screen TV?"

" Yeah, that I'm definitely returning." lila giggled and looked up at him and her smile dropped

"oh my god, your face, Stiles-"

"it's fine Lila, it was nothing" Lila felt a sting of hurt go through her as she heard his lie, it wasn't nothing, and she knew it, he just didn't know she did

"really, nothing?" she asked her voice begging him to tell the truth, Stiles looked down to his feet nodding his head

"yeah, just some guys from the other team" tears weld in Lilas eyes as he lied again.

"why can't you just tell me the truth Stiles?" Stiles head whipped up and landed on the tears in her eyes

"what are you"

"I know stiles, I know everything, you've lied to me, more times than I can count, and a single lie descovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed" Stiles stood up his eys sad and begging for forgivness

"don't go all wise on me Lila-" he was cut off by Lilas phone and her eyes widened as she read it, she quickly without speaking showed stiles.

"I should go, I have to help" Stiles eyes widened

"How much do you know about this stuff?"

"Pieces. Half of it's like a dream"

"Yeah, well, guess what? The other half is like a freaking nightmare."

" I don't care. I can help them. I can help everyone"

". See, that's the problem. You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. You see, death doesn't happen to you, lila. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna Iive the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face! Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" he ending it loud and mad tull he noticed Lilas glossy eyes and soffened

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay. I'll do this myself, I don't need your help" she said bending to grab her bag

"No Lila, you don't understand, I did it to protect you" Lilas eyes hardened as she looked at him

"Protect me, is that what you were doing?" Stiles nodded his head and Lila scoffed

"alrighty then, let's reflect, first, I broke my leg after a Alpha werewolf attacked me and Jackson" she started her voice getting slightly higher

" then, I was bitten by one and put in the hospital, after that I for some still unknown reason slept walked through how many dangerous situations and into a coyote filled woods" she said getting louder and Stiles flinched

" then I was almost attacked by a pack of werewolves because I was a candidate for being a killer lizard, that I was later attacked by in the library and once again was sent to the hospital" she said trilling off and Stiles almost thought she was done untill she took another deep breath, no where near done

"after that I drank some weird drink that made me have hallucinations and cut myself, and then we have the time were Matt shot up the police station with his trusty sidekick Jackson and caused me once again to end up in the hospital " Lila finished and Stiles face looked white as tears welled up in his eyes

"sorry Stiles, but if that was your idea of protecting me you need to get a dictionary because i've been the most clueless and i'm the one who ends up in the hospital the most"


"but, it's not like I didn't heal, so I could forgive you for all of that" Lila said as more tears cane to her eyes and he voice broke

"but what wasn't healing was how I felt, I thought I was crazy, losing my mind, I felt alone and scared amd when I looked to those who I trusted the most, they lied to me and made me feel even crazier" she spoke and wiped her tears

"Lila im sorry, I don't know how, I don't know what to say c

"Nothing Stiles" Lila said her eyes softening again and her voice braking.

"Maybe I just need some time, I'm hurt, but I'll forgive you"

"Why" Lila gave him a sad smile

"Because your you. And I'm me" Stiles frowned eyes glossy

"It was a great game Stiles, you did good, im proud of you" is the last thing Lila Darling said before she exited out the door.

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