Chapter 2

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Dylan's Pov
Me and my homeboys play Fortnite and Chris looks at me. "Bro where Aubrey?" I look at Chris "I don't know she somewhere with Bri". I get my phone and I check the time and I call Aubrey and she doesn't answer,I hang up and I try calling her again but she still doesn't answer. I shake my head and I continue playing Fortnite. Austin looks at me "you can't be mad because you did the same thing with her last night". I look at Austin "nah man she better not be with another nigga". Tyler looks at me "weren't you just with Destiny and Sabrina". I look at Tyler "that's different and yeah so?,I was" Tyler and Austin both look at me "how that's different and you need to leave if you just going to keep cheating". I look at them "I'm not leaving her I love her".

Aubrey's Pov
I look at Bri "you staying over tonight or you going to see your boo?". Bri looks at me "I'll stay over girl, and what boo I got?" I look at Bri "girl I know you,and you been looking down at your phone and smiling a lot". Bri looks at me "I'll tell you about it later". Bri pulls up in wing stop parking lot and we get out and walk inside. I order my food and I get my cup and I fix my drink. I wait in line on my food and I get on my phone and Bri walks over to me after ordering her food. I look at her "so tell me what's his name?" She looks at me "Aubrey Ima tell you all that later". I look at Bri "mhm ok but you should've been told me". She looks at me "I know but you know I didn't want to jinx it". I look up and I see Justin and another boy and Bri nudges me "girl go say hi or something". I turn to look at Bri "what are you trying to do?" Bri looks at me "nothing but come on". Bri grabs my hand and pulls me over towards Justin. Justin looks at me and smiles "hi Aubrey and Bri". I softly smile "hi Justin" Bri looks at his friend "baby I didn't know you knew Justin". Jerome looks at Justin and then at me "Wait Justin this Aubrey the girl you've been talking about all day?" I look at Justin "you've been talking about me?" Jerome looks at me "yes he's been talking about you a lot". Justin smiles at me my number gets called for my food and I walk off and get my food. Bri looks at Justin "so you like my best friend?" Justin looks at Bri "Yeah shorty seems cool". Bri says "I'll help you but you better not hurt her". He looks at Bri "I'm not trust me I know how it feels to be hurt by someone you thought you loved." Bri looks at Justin "I'll get your number from Jerome and give it to her." I walk back over to Bri "what y'all talking about?" Bri shakes her head and walks off and gets her food. My phone starts ringing again and I press decline and Bri walks back over to us. Bri says "we'll talk to y'all later". We walk out of wing stop and get back in the car and Bri starts driving to my house. I look at Bri "what you up to?" Bri shakes her head "Nothing girl". Bri pulls up in my driveway and we get out, I grab my bags off the backseat and we walk in the house. Dylan gets up and walks over to me "where you been?" I ignore him and me and Bri walk upstairs and go in the guest room. Bri closes and locks the door. I sit my bags down and I sit on the bed and I start eating my food. Bri sit beside me and starts eating her food and says "Justin wants you to text him". I look at Bri "I'm not dating him". Bri looks at me "just text the boy". I look at Bri "ugh fine what's his number?" Bri gets her phone and she gives me his number. I get my phone and I text Justin
Phone convo
Me: hi Justin
Justin: who is this?
Me: Aubrey
Justin: wassup shorty
Me: nothing much
Justin: what you doing tomorrow?
Me: i don't know yet
Justin: let me know
Me: I will
Justin: bri told me you've been hurt before and I just want to let you know that I'll never do you like that.
Me: I'm in a situation right now but it's complicated
Justin: I know you don't know me but I'm here if you need someone to listen to you
Me: thank you Justin
Justin: you're welcome shorty
Me: I'll text you tomorrow
End of convo
I look at Bri "you told him about Dylan." She looks at me "no girl I just said you been hurt before and he better not hurt you." I finish my food and I look at Bri "he wants to hang out tomorrow." Bri looks at me "did you say yes?" I look at Bri "I said I don't know." Bri shakes her head "he's going to find him someone else." I look at Bri "you expect me to leave Dylan and get right back in a relationship." Bri looks at me "no but you do need to try to get to know him,he's probably nothing like Dylan." I get up and I look at Bri "we going somewhere tomorrow and then I'll go and hang out with him." Bri gets up and hugs me.
Dylan's Pov
I get up and I walk upstairs and I stand by the guest room and I listen to Aubrey and Bri's conversation I shake my head and I walk back downstairs. "We following them tomorrow because she not going to meet no nigga." Trey looks at me. "she's slowly leaving you." Austin looks at me "bro you fucked up, see you had a good girl but you cheated on her and you still doing it." Tyler says "yeah bro she's not slow,she just probably waiting on you to say something." I look at both of them "she not leaving we been together for 2 years." I look up and I see Aubrey walking downstairs I get up and I follow behind her "where you going tomorrow and who you meeting up with?" She looks at me "why you want to know Dylan?" I look at her "what you mean why I want to know,I'm your boyfriend." She throws her food away and she walks off and goes back upstairs. I walk out the kitchen "Tyler and Chris y'all following them tomorrow." Tyler looks at me "for what she a grown ass woman." Chris looks at me "I gotcha bro" Austin shakes his head and looks at Tyler "you ready to go bro, I got work in the morning." Tyler and Austin leave and I get my phone and call Destiny and tell her to come over tomorrow. Chris looks at me Aubrey's Pov
I walk back upstairs and I walk in me and Dylan's room and I get me some clothes and I walk in the bathroom and I close and lock the door and I turn on the shower and I get inside and I take a shower and get out. I dry off and I put on my clothes and I put my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and I walk out the bathroom and I walk out the room and go back in the guest room and I look at Bri "girl who you on the phone with?" She looks at me and mouths "Jerome" I close and lock the door and I walk over to the bed and I lay down and I get on my phone.

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