Im in mdudyfgeyueurhehesjsnshshshshshshhshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshhshshshshshshshshshs said my sister
I'm in my room
A new room. The lights come from the top
Rainbow on the top
Clouds around the top
The Blue look faux. Some thing shines but theres nothing
Glitter falling from the sky but disappear when it reaches the bottom
Faux fur
It taste like a false heaven
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I ride my bike
My bicycle
At night .
The atmosphere is lavender
Intensely calm
I'm surrounded by hills
Its not that cold.
Have you ever feel the atmosphere on the zoo at night.
Misty. Blur
Soft. It feels just like thatTheres a tv screen on somebody's window
Showing beautiful things
Everything feel so soft. Intensely soft
So soft
Even the sharpest thing ever tonight feel so softLavender
So bright
Such strange
But feel so localNow the sky turns red