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Jay and Lonnie were the last standing people from their team. Everyone one was out from their team except them 2 and one person was still standing from the other team. They both got each other out because of miscalculation of their footing. They both did the same move to try and get the other person out. Jay had turned the same time as Lonnie. He tried to have her back but only to mess up. They lost the game but everyone still cheered them on. After, their team captain, Lonnie, made a speech of how that was a set back and that they'll do better next time. Jay had tried to tell her good job and tell her that she did great but she just rejected him. That moment he knew something was wrong.

"Lonnie, are you ok? It's just one lost, we'll get them next time," Jay said as he placed his hand on her shoulder but she just shook it off. He was taken back but didn't say anything and kept his hand to himself.

"Why couldn't you just stick with the plan? We should have won that if you didn't try to be the hero, you just had to be the hero don't you?" Lonnie says accusing him for their lost.

"It is just a game, Lonnie," Jay said trying to reason with her.

"Yea and our relationship is just a pretend, R.O.A.R. isn't just a game to me, if I am ever gonna be like my mother," Lonnie says not realizing what she just said to him which hurt him. He wanted to tell her that she is not her mother and she will never be her because she isn't her like he isn't his father but didn't say anything.

"Well sorry for trying to have your back," he said instead which just got her even upset.

"I don't need you or you have my back, I could have gotten him," she said. She was so mad that she didn't even register what she just said in her head.

"Bye Lonnie, I'm done trying to arguing with you and you are right," he said the last part to himself.

"Bye" she said harshly not even knowing what was happening. Jay left and enter his and Carlos dorm. He went to the bathroom and locked himself in there. He grabbed a razor. The love of his life just said that he wasn't good enough and he knew that, so he had tried to improve himself for her.She calls their relationship a pretend. Was she just using him? he pulled up his left sleeve up and began to cut himself. The cuts began to bleed. He broke down. After, he took a shower with his cut still fresh which stung when the water hit it. He wraps his left wrist after he got out of the shower. He wore his Tourney jersey because there is a tourney game in 4 hours. 5 hours ago was when everything happened. He went to his classes like nothing happened in last 5 hrs. He ignored any contact with Lonnie. The bell had finally rung which means Tourney. He helped Carlos win the winning goal instead of him. Carlos had thanked him for having his back. The team celebrated their win. Jay was proud of his team, he didn't care if they lost or win because he just enjoys being in a team and playing and having fun while playing it. Lonnie felt jealous when they won because R.O.A.R. should have won too. She was still mad at Jay for doing that stupid plan that he did getting them both out. He was avoiding her. She didn't show that she cared but deep down she did but her stupid pride was getting in the way.

~2 weeks~

Jay's Pov

My left arm healed but I re-cutted it again. It has been 2 weeks since the break up or something. It was early in the morning. It's 4:30. I get up quietly making sure I don't wake up Carlos and Dude. I replace my soaking wrap with a new clean one. I wear the R.O.A.R. uniform and listened to music. I pick up my bags and went to Amphitheater. I place my things down began to practice. I began to start singing Thinking Out Loud.

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