Verbal Fist Fighting

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Swift was, needless to say, vividly upset with his brother and Rebel was unimaginably aggravated with him back. The two wouldn't talk, interact or even dare to gander upon one another. Ghost and M.C. could barely stand the high tension that plagued the day, every second unresolved and just plain out shrugged off whenever an opportunity arose to solve it.

Just tension.

It was so damn annoying.
Especially this morning.

The brothers sat quietly in the kitchen, the room filled with that same force that edged a metaphorical sword through their minds. Rebel stared intensely at Swift and Swift right back at him with the same burning desire to rip him a new. Just the silence alone made Ghost want to slam a hand on the table and lecture the ooze given fuck out of his older brothers about getting along but, as usual, he wouldn't. M.C. was half asleep and already tired of everyone's bullshit. He wanted to go out and party or something but alas, his brothers wouldn't leave or move even for that matter. Too enraged with one another or whatever. Bologna.

"Can't you guys like. . ., make u—," A hand came across the youngest brother's mouth as a way to cut him off. Bright blue eyes glided up to meet stern chocolate hues of Ghost's gaze. M.C. sighed, sliding out of his seat and onto the floor where he stared up at the ceiling in a longing manner.

"There isn't a God, is there?"

All three older brothers looked down at the orange clad mutant with perplexed features.

"Of course there is. I'm sitting right the fuck here, dumbass." Swift scoffed, bringing his glass of bourbon to his green lips as M.C. flipped him off. Rebel rolled his two-toned eyes before turning around to collect the trash off the counter tops.


Before Rebel could finish speaking, the violet clad turtle was already beside him holding up the trash can. With a nod of thanks, Rebel finished cleaning up and proceeded to lift his younger brother off the floor.

"I'm going to die of boredom if we don't go do something soon! I can feel the sharp blade of death pressing to my throat. It's only a matter of time before it takes it's deadly slit and carries me off into the pits of Hell."

Rebel again rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics as he threw him onto the new sofa. The young turtle landed with an ‘oof’ before Swift cleared his throat to grab the mutants’ attention.

"Boys, I think he's right. We need some fun, some air. How ‘bout a heist?"


Swiftly slowly turned his head to catch sight of Rebel, squinting dangerously in his direction. Ghost knew immediately what was about to go down and slipped silently off to the confines of his bedroom.

"What was that?"

"I said no. Hear me that time?"

"Oh, I heard you loud and fucking clear the first time. I just wasn't sure why you would open your mouth, it's not like I asked for your opinion or anything."

"Swift, you said, ‘How about a heist?’ and I said, no. Answer was clear and do you hear any objections?"

M.C. lazily raised his hand only to get it slapped back down by Rebel. Swift elicited a scandalous like laugh while shaking his head.

"If you don't want to go, fine. I don't need you aboard to have my way. I get what I want in the end."

"Is that what happened with your last plan, Swift? Did you get what you wanted? No. You didn't. Instead, you were left alone in the dark surrounded by the people you hate. Maybe you should stop making it all about you and then, you'd be surrounded by those who love you. Unless you'll take those who fear you over your own brothers."

M.C. cackled in shock at the words, hands coming up to pound his fists together.
"Ya’ just got uppercutted, bruh,"

In conclusion, Rebel shoved past Swift with a shoulder check that made the blue leader grind his teeth. Rebel always lectured him on what was right and it always left him wondering if he was even the leader of these bunch of green sewer dwellers. He wanted to spit back in angered retort but one glance over his shoulder pushed that aside. Instead, he stomped off to burst into Ghost's room and slam the door behind him. He knew Ghost would listen to him ramble and rant without conflicting argument, it was nearly perfect. Ghost, however, only glanced up at the elder before returning his attention to his book. Swift began to pace.

"Everything I do is for you guys. Your entertainment, your pleasure, your fucking needs— all for y'all and what do I get for it? A shit load of lecturing. Do I look dumb to you? I know what I do and it's not always about me. C'mon, I just tried to take over the city so we could rule. I'm the motherfucker in charge, don't tell me what I do is wrong. Whatever! I do what I want,"

Ghost grunted a response and Swift just started up again.

"I mean, sure, I'm a damn BAMF but that doesn't mean I don't think about what y'all need and want! I just suggested a fucking heist for you guys and I already knew your ninja ass was in,"

Ghost thought for a moment and gave a nod in agreement, eye ridges raising the smallest bit with his canter to the side. Swift pointed at him with a, "See?" lightly falling from his lips before he sighed and nibbled against the piercings in his bottom lip.

"Rebel just needs to lay back and shut the fuck up. Dude needs to relax, breathe. Listen to me for once, yaknow?"

Ghost only grunted once more before Swift moved to hop onto his brother's bed and lounge back, closing his eyes.

"I'm a great ass fucking leader, aint I, Ghost?"

"Adequate." The turtle murmured from his covered mouth, piercing brown eyes gliding to gaze at Swift before returning to his book.

"Rebel can kiss my green scaly ass if he can't realize that sooner or later."

Ghost knitted his eye ridges in momentary confusion before rolling his eyes. Man, he wanted to tell his brother that his ass wasn't scaly so bad but he wouldn't. He wanted to explain that they were amphibians, not reptiles but he wouldn't. He wanted to tell Swift to go tell all that to Rebel and not him but he wouldn't. Instead, he only silently sighed to himself.

The things he does for brotherhood.

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