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~~~~~~Your P.O.V.~~~~~~
Because the Devil, Alciel, and I are stuck in this realm we had to obtain official records in this world. My name is now (Y/N) (L/N). Satan's name is now Sadau Maou. Alciel's Name is now... I don't really remember. But I know it's an odd name. We rented a "Devils Castle" which is really a one room and one bathroom apartment. Plus I'm the only girl here so that makes things very weird. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THESE UNDERGARMENTS IN THIS REALM!!! COME ON THEY'RE DISGUSTING!!!!! Anyway me and Satan got jobs. Alciel got a job too but he got fired. So he tried again but he got fired again. So from now on me and Satan are in charge of getting the money while he researched a way to get his magic "our" magic back. Me and Satan work at McRonalds. Satan was riding his bike while I was riding my (f/c) skateboard, Reaper, that has 3 Black/White stripes on one side and a skull with pointy "teeth" on the bottom of it, to work. (basically like Death The Kids skateboard from Soul eater. I can't thing of it's name. And I know this is a "Rain Scene" but just pretend that you can ride a skateboard in the rain. And that you are good at riding if you suck at riding them like me. And yes I like Soul Eater. DEAL WIT IT!!)
On the way to work me and "Maou" (I seriously have no clue if that's spelled correctly) decided to have a race. We were at what they call a "stop light" when a girl, around his human age with long pink hair with what I think humans call a "Cow Lick", came running over our way with a bag over her head hoping to shelter herself from the merciless rain. I looked over at Maou and he looked at me then at the girl. He sigh.
"Here, take it. We're not going that far just to the McRonalds near the train station." He said handing her his umbrella. She was hesitant but took it just as the light turned green.
"Ready? Set. GO!!" I yelled as we sped off shouting to the girl: "YOU CAN THROW IT OUT FOR ALL WE CARE!!" As we raced down the streets to work.

~~~time skip to Mc.Rs~~~

"HA!! I WIN!!!" I yelled as I reached the doors to the restaurant.
"Damn!! Wait, YOU CHEATED!! I KNOW YOU DID!!!!" Maou screamed at me.
"How in hell would I've cheated???? IM RIDING A FUCKING SKATEBOARD FOR HELLS SAKE!!" I yelled back.
"Yeah your right. Well we should get to work." He said. I nodded. Me and Maou are both top employees at McRonalds. While on break one of the coworkers, whose name I cannot remember, started to fawn over Maou. I started to become a little, mad? No.. irritated? No that's not it... I don't know what it is I'm feeling but I know I'm not liking how she's acting towards him.
"You'll get the hang of it someday. Me and (Y/n) weren't perfect when we got here." I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of my name being said.
"Hm?" I asked clearly confused.
"But this is the 8th time I've dropped fries on the floor. Pretty soon potatoes will be sprouting from the floor!!" She said crying obviously
dramatic/fake tears. Next thing we know the manager comes in and she stands up like she was in the army.
"Jeez kid, I'm not that scary. Anyway I need you guys to get back out here it's getting pretty busy and we need more workers."
"Yes ma'am!" I said plainly.
"Oh and sweetie please don't grow anymore potatoes please? Thank you." The manager said as she closed the door. Once again the girl was crying dramatic/fake tears. I need some friends other than these people. While on shift Maou started freaking out cause he broke the frier. I went over to him just as he was starting to cast a spell.
"Stop it! Just go tell the manager that it's broken before you get caught!" I grumbled loud enough for him to here. Just as I said that the manager came up behind, scaring us.
"What about me?" She asked. I nudged him mouthing 'go on' to him.

~time skip to after work~

As we were on our way home Maou was screaming about being an A-Level staff. I nearly wiped out on my skateboard cause the girl we saw from had a kind of scary aura around her and it distracted me. But Maou didn't seem to notice. Actually quite the opposite. He looked at me with an 'Are You Okay?' Look. I just gave him the thumbs up.

The Devil Is A Part-Timer X Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now