1 - Cry

88 5 16

Ariana comes home school " mom, dad im home" she walks into the living room and sees the McCann's she becomes confused

Joan- " Hey Ari can you please sit down we need to speak to you"

Ariana -" okay but first" she goes and hugs all the McCanns expect Jason and sits down "so whats up?"

Edward- " You know how your grandpa was like a brother to the McCanns grandpa?"

Ariana- *Confused* yeah but whats haas that got to do with me ?

Paul - " Ariana my father and your grandpa decided that you will marry Jason"

Jason * Smirks*

Ariana - * starts a laughing* " good one Mr McCann"

Pattie " Ariana this isnt a joke" * looking quite serious *

Ariana * looks at Justin*

Justin * looking down sadly*

Ariana " No no no !!"

Selena *feels bad for her*

Ariana " please daddy this cant be true"

Edward " it is and you will marry him no matter what"

Ariana " Please daddy i cant marry this pig" * looking at her dad with tears in her eyes*

Edward " Ariana how dare you speak of your husband to be like that! behave yourself"

Ariana " i hate him he's the biggest jerk on earth"

Joan " Ariana"

Ariana " atleast let me marry Justin, please"

Justin " i have no problem with that"

Jason " Wtf no, grandpa wanted me to marry her not Justin!"

Paul - "Jason is right"

Ariana * tears streaming down her face* daddy please

Edward " No Ariana thats enough you'll marry Jason and thats that! not another word"

Ariana " Fine how about 3 I HATE YOU" * running out the living room to her room*


Paul " She'll get over it"

Justin " i cant believe you, youre ruining her life you know why she hates him and what he did to her come on Selena" * he walks out the living room and upstairs to Ariana's rooms with Selena*

Ariana is lying on her bed crying her eyes out

Selena * knocks on the door* Ari can we come in please?

Ariana " NO GO AWAY"

Justin -" come on Ari, please open the door" * tries to open it*
a few minutes later the door opens

Ariana - " only because its you" * hugs Justin tightly and buries her head into his chest and cries*

Justin * hugs her back and walks over to her bed, sitting down on it with her* " shh shh please stop crying"

Selena- * sits next to them*

Ariana * pulls away and looks at him with teary eyes* " i dont want this justin, i cant marry him? i just cant!"

Justin * wipes her tears* " i know i wish i could do something to help you"

Selena -" hey why dont we go out for ice cream i'll pay" * smiling at her trying to cheer her up*

Ariana " ice cream?"

Selena " yeah"

Justin " and then after ice cream we can go shopping" * smiles at her*

Ariana " you really wanna hold all the bags?"

Justin " anything for you princess" * turns and looks at selena* " youve got your own bags though sis"

Selena * gasps and slaps him* i hate youu

Ariana * giggles* " noo justin youre gonna carry both our bags, now lets go have fun in the last few days im free!"

Meanwhile downstairs ( going back to when selena and justin left)

Jaxon * sitting next to nick* " Hey Jason"

Jason * looks down at him* " yeaa bro"

Jaxon " why does Ariana hate you so much? you two were totally in love before"

Jason * gets mad* shut up thats none of your business"

Ryan * sitting across from Jason* " that because Jason was wait actually is still a jerk"

Jason * glares at Ryan *

Ryan * smiles*

Pattie " stop it you two. i think we should leave" * gets up and hugs Joan*

Paul " yeah i think we should * stand up* Ed we can talk later about the details" * shakes Edwards hand* "bye" * about to walk out with Jason, Ryan, Jaxon and Pattie when *

Ariana,Justin and Selena come downstairs

Joan " where are you going"

Ariana * coldly * "to the mall or am i not allowed to"

Joan " of course you are but dont you think that Jason should go with you?"

Ariana " no not really"

Jason * walks over to Ariana , putting his arm around her smiling* " i think thats a go idea baby"

Ariana * glares at him*

Selena " come on lets just go and get this over with"

They leave


hii guys im backk

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