| 1 | Watching You Walk Away

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feel free to play the song above while you're reading. :)


"Mon El?" I heard a girl of around my age say quietly from behind Mon El and I.

We broke the eye contact that we were holding, a gaze that we had often shared in stressful situations before he left Earth seven months ago. Whenever he stared at me with those big brown eyes, I melted, along with any problem I was worried about.

"Imra," Mon El breathed out slowly. He walked over to the girl, and was seemingly going for a hug, when the gorgeous, Meghan Fox look alike grabbed the sides of his face, and kissed him.

My chest crinkled and twisted up in a way I didn't know was possible. It felt like I couldn't breathe.

There's another girl.

I could see Mon El's eyebrows raise at the sudden burst of affection. When Imra released Mon-El from their embrace, they both turn to face me. At this point, tears were forming in my eyes.

It's over. He's moved on. I can't believe he's moved on.

Mon-El made direct eye contact and almost seemed to be apologizing with his eyes. Numerous times when we were talking alone he kept mentioning that there was something he needed to tell me. I'm guessing this was it.

"Imra, this is Kara Danvers... Supergirl. Kara, this is Imra Ardeen," he breathed, seemingly dreading the words that were coming next, "-my fiancee."


The words seemed like they were attacking me, the weight of them monumental. How does one grieve over an ex, get over them, meet another woman, and get engaged, all in the span of seven months?!

I could feel as if I was about to cry, and I wasn't sure I could stop the tears anymore. In light of this, I quickly wrapped up the conversation.

"Uhm, hi." I squeak, going back into my 'Kara Danvers: Weak Assistant' awkwardness, sticking out my hand to shake hers. She took it, and smiled at me. I mustered the best smile I could give her.

"- I, I have to go. Sorry." I whisper, not even sure if they could hear me. I fled the balcony, not allowing the waterworks to come crashing down in the middle of the DEO. It was after hours, so I quickly exited, and took off towards my apartment.

With a woosh and the wave of a cape, I landed through my big, apartment window into the living room. After about an hour I was curled up on the couch drinking hot cocoa and watching none other than The Wizard of Oz.

Whenever I watched the Wizard of Oz, it reminded me of my mom, and my aunt Astra. I could only imagine what they would think of an American movie like this, nevertheless the idea of movies nights in general. In a perfect world, neither of them would be dead, Astra would be reformed and open to love, and I would be able to fly through that window, and straight into her arms. I would be able to cry against her, and be able to finally let out every emotion I've had about Mon-El that has been bottled up for months upon months. 

Alex has tried so many times to get me to open up, but for some reason, I can't. Not for her. I love Alex with everything I have in me, but in this situation, it seems like she's only trying to get me to open up so that I would come back to game night, and so DEO briefings aren't so awkward and silent. 

A motherly figure is someone you can trust always has your back when you need it, and for me, that's always what my mom and aunt have been, despite Astra's past decisions.

Instead, those cold, terrible feelings have been bottled up for another day, kept inside temporarily and replaced with Ice Cream and a movie.


The next day went off without a hitch. I caught some criminals involved in a bank robbery, helped out with a truck-on-truck collision on the freeway, and saved a cat stuck in a tree. 

I was bored. 

I feel slightly weird that I'm waiting for a high-stakes criminal, but I am! It's not like I want people to get hurt, I just like the rush, the commotion. It's something I've been craving ever since Mon-El left. I guess when he left Earth, he wasn't there to make me feel whole. He wasn't there every morning to kiss me awake, so every morning I would find a case to fill that space. 

It's not healthy, but it works. And making do with what I've got is the one thing that has been working so far. 

When I saw him on that ship, it was like I was in heaven, for just a second. For one tiny moment, J'onn and Winn faded away, and the only people in the room were him and I. His big arms wrapped around my small but mighty frame, and I was okay.

Now I'm sitting here at the DEO in Winn's chair, observing the room, and the only people I can see is him, and Imra. I can only see her arms wrap around his torso, her head resting on his shoulder. Her eyes were closed in comfort, but his were open. He was alert and looking around the room, same as me. Except, he was avoiding eye contact, and so was I. 

Things were different now, colossally different.  Every time I start wondering or daydreaming, I picture a moment when we were happy together, walking hand in hand. But when I open my eyes, the picture is gone, and I can't tear my eyes off of him and her. 

I can't stop watching you walk away from me, because watching you walk away is better than you not being here at all. 

But then again, maybe it isn't. 


HEY! I really hope you enjoyed. I hope you listened to the song while you read! I wrote this chapter while I was listening to it, so I guess I envisioned this song playing in the background if this was an actual episode, or something like that. 

Oh, and don't forget to vote.  

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