Chapter 1

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At the age of three, Li Hao Ran had already resolved to be a bad person. But at the age of twelve, she appeared; thus he turned the direction of his life around.

1. Young person with high ambitions

It is said that "you can see who a person will become when they are three years old." This saying is not a mistake. The first two years of my life, I was no different from the average kid; I cried; I was noisy; and I wet my bed. My idiosyncrasy started to appear the year I was three.

The year I was three, I was enchanted by guns. This isn't strange; any boy will like guns. It's an innate nature. What went wrong was those words my mom said one day when I was rolling around on the floor demanding to be bought that toy machine gun. After coercion and threats had all failed, she said, "A good person only has one gun. Only bad people have many guns. Hao Ran, you already have a gun at home, if we buy another one, you'll become a bad person."

I thought back to all the tv that I had watched; it seemed like that really was the case. But my thirst for guns exceeded the demands I had for my self quality, so I replied, "I want to become a bad person."

Then, I received that gun and the direction of my life was determined — I will be a bad person.

Don't be skeptical or laugh secretly, the so-called ambition is not bound by age. Don't underestimate the determination of a three year old child. It's because my mom didn't take those words of mine to heart and missed the optimal chance to turn the direction of my life around.

After that time, I would pay special attention to the difference between the good and bad people when I watched tv. The more I watched, the more resolute I became on my decision to become a bad person. Look at those bad people on tv — they eat and drink the best and do as they please. Then, contrast them to those good people who are always being bullied by the bad people — hovering between life and death, exhausted and suffering.

I will be a bad person! Starting from when I was three, I tried my best to head towards that direction — putting into practice all the tactics of bad people. I snatched the lollipop of the neighboring little girl; I monopolized the toys at kindergarten, not giving them to other kids to play; I used a slingshot to shoot at people's glass windows; I tied a cat's tail to a firecracker...

The people who came to complain at my house every day would have to form a line. My parents were very used to this and would do these things: One, bow; Two, hand over gift; Three, say, "We're sorry, our son lacks discipline."

But they couldn't do anything about me. Just like how had an old ancestor protecting him, my (paternal) grandma was also not prudent with me. I was the only one for the family name to pass onto in these five generations. If she didn't love me, then who would? Especially since my mom has had miscarriages before. There were two who weren't saved before me. It's said the first one was gone because she stretched her hand out to put out clothes to dry; for the second, my mom learned her lesson and didn't do any work. In the end, one time, when she finished eating plum candy and threw out the pit into a trash can more than a meter away, with a crash, my second brother or sister left. When she got pregnant with me, besides moving her mouth, my mom didn't dare to move at all. She reclined in bed for seven months. Drinking, eating, and going to the bathroom were all done on the bed. This was how she was able to preserve the one bit of blood of the Li Family.

They finally had me after much challenge. And I was a male, so pampering was, of course, unavoidable. My grandma saw me as dearer than her own heart. She could find a merit in whatever bad thing I did. When I spoke profanity, she would think that my vocabulary was very rich; when I smashed someone's head, she would see that my strength was great....Even though my mom didn't blindly pamper me like my grandma, she would say a few words when I did something bad, but it was nothing serious. She had never been willing to smack me. When it came to her, I got whatever I asked for.

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