Chapter 1 (Welcome)

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~Author's Note~
This book is now completely edited and REWRITTEN. It will be fully published on the Inkitt App & Website under a $5 tier & on the Ireader App. I hope you enjoy this new version. ❤️



Asahd Usaïd, the son of Lahkdar and Hadija Usaïd, the Sultan and Queen of Zagreh, a small yet prosperous kingdom in rural Morocco, had just returned from his holiday in Australia.

At twenty-eight, Asahd was a bright young man who had recently completed his master's degree a few years after graduating from college. He had received his education from some of the finest institutions, starting from a prestigious high school in Istanbul to obtaining his first degree in Dubai and later his master's and PhD. His remarkable academic achievements at such a young age brought immense pride to his parents.

However, they began to regret their indulgence in spoiling him during his upbringing. Asahd had transformed into an arrogant, egotistical individual who believed he was beyond reproach.

Who would dare challenge him? An affluent Prince? No way; you'd have to be insane. He wouldn't hesitate to have you thrown into the Royal dungeon.

As the crowned Prince of Zagreh, he was expected to conduct himself with utmost care, but he couldn't care less. He associated with the wrong crowd, spent money recklessly on a party lifestyle, frequented inappropriate places, and flaunted his relationships with disreputable women. Sometimes, against his father's wishes, he even brought disrespectful foreign acquaintances to the palace.

In Zagreh, honor and tradition held significant importance. Unfortunately, Asahd lacked both honor and respect for tradition, causing great concern to his parents. If he continued on this path and became king, he would prioritize his desires over those of his people, potentially inciting their anger and leading to unrest. The King and Queen were determined to prevent such a disastrous outcome.

* * *

"Djafar, where is my son?" inquired King Lahkdar, addressing the chief Butler and Asahd's Royal advisor.

Djafar, a man in his late forties who had played a paternal role in Asahd's life, was responsible for instilling in him the manners befitting a royal from a young age. He had always watched over Asahd, ensuring his well-being and offering guidance on matters both related to his royal duties and unrelated advice.

"It's nine o'clock, and he still hasn't appeared for breakfast," remarked the Queen with a slight frown. "Breakfast is scheduled for 8:30 every morning, but he's consistently late. We cannot commence without him."

"Perhaps he's fatigued from his travels," suggested the King to his wife.

"My Sultan, he returned at six yesterday evening and went straight to his room. He skipped dinner with us and barely made an appearance. He's had plenty of time to rest," the Queen informed.

It was a recurring scenario, nearly every morning.

"I'll fetch him right away, your Majesty," Djafar nodded respectfully and promptly exited the dining area. He intended to summon one of the errand boys but encountered Saïda, his daughter, on his way.

"Saïda?" he called out, and the young girl approached him.

"Good morning, Father."

"Good morning, dear. How was your rest?"

"Fine, father."

"Great. The Sultan and Queen wish for Asahd to join them for breakfast. If you're available, I'd prefer you to fetch him."

"Of course, father."

Saïda, the lovely girl known for her respectfulness and constant smile, was considered an exemplary daughter by all in the palace. Her father had raised her well. While she presented herself as good-natured, among her peers, she could exhibit a sharp tongue towards those who crossed her. Despite the palace adults' admiration, she was not as flawless as some believed.

Following her father's footsteps, Saïda was on track to become a Royal advisor once she achieved independence after finishing her education. At that time, she functioned as her father's apprentice and occasional aide to the Prince, as she was still in the learning phase.

Saïda navigated past the palace guards and ascended the seemingly endless grand staircase, recalling her last encounter with the Prince five months earlier. While he was away, those had been the best months of her life. Her disdain for him stemmed from his disrespectful attitude towards his parents who had provided him with everything. Saïda held strong values and disapproved of arrogance and ingratitude, qualities she associated with the Prince, though she refrained from passing judgment aloud.



The sound of repeated knocks at my door made me frown and shift in bed. I felt drained.

Having stayed up late the previous night watching TV and having a few drinks, I was not in the mood for interruptions.

I groaned and buried my face in the pillow, then sluggishly sat up and donned my robe. After securing it in place, I called out, "Come in..."

Moments later, Saïda entered the room.

"Good morning, Prince Asahd," she greeted with a curtsy.

"Good morning, Saïda..." I rubbed my eyes.

"Welcome back."

"Yes, thank you. What is it?" I asked, standing.

"Your Highness, the Sultan, and the Queen have requested your immediate presence for breakfast."

'I knew it. Can't they eat without me, as they do when I'm away?'

"Fine..." I sighed and stretched. "I'll join them after a quick bath."

"Of course, my Prince," she curtsied and turned to leave, but I stopped her.

"You've grown taller, Saïda. I've been away for a few months, and you've changed a lot," I remarked, noticing her increased height. "You're nineteen, right?"

"I turned twenty-two two months ago," she corrected.

"Apologies for the mistake. Please inform my father that I'll be down shortly. And arrange for someone to clean up this room. It's a mess."

"Yes, my Prince."

"Off you go now," I waved her away, heading straight to the bathroom as soon as she left.



"Off you go now," I mimicked with a scowl, "Such a Billy goat."

Hastily, I descended the stairs and entered the dining room, informing the Sultan and his wife that Asahd would be joining them shortly. Following this, I proceeded to the gardens to join the maids and servants of my age group.

"Did you see the Prince, Saïda?" Yasmine inquired as she and the others folded the laundry drying outside.

"Yes, I did. He requested his room to be tidied," I replied.

"I'll do it!" Aisha eagerly volunteered, prompting laughter from the group. "I want to see him again."

"You all treat him like he's a deity," I remarked, rolling my eyes.

"In this Kingdom, Saïda, he practically is. He's so charming," another maid chimed in.

"If you say so," I shrugged, not seeing what made him 'incredibly handsome'. "He looks like a billy goat with that hair."

"Saïda!" My friends exclaimed and burst into laughter.

"Did I lie?"

If anything, the Prince's attitude made him unattractive to me.

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