Ever Since New York

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He struggled to breathe. With each intake of oxygen, his airways closed just a little bit tighter. Tears built up in his eyes and fell just as quickly as they'd arrived. He constantly held onto the wall with his free hand and switched between that and pulling his hair at the roots. 

"What do you mean, "she's gone"?" Louis asked.

"What the fuck else does it mean, Lou?" Harry nearly yelled. "She's not here. I don't know where she is."

"Okay well let's retrace your steps. What has happened over the last twenty-four hours?" 

"We've been in the room. We haven't left. Last thing that happened is we had sex and then fell asleep. I woke up and she was gone. I thought she was in the bathroom or something but she's nowhere to be found." He paused, breathing in a shaky breath. "I'm fucking scared, Louis. She's my everything."

"I know, Haz," he sighed. "There's nowhere else in the hotel she'd be?"

"She wouldn't leave. I know she wouldn't."

"Is there anyone you can ask about her?"

"I can't go file a fucking missing person report, Lou. I broke her out of a mental hospital and I'm not about to fucking send her back."

"Alright, alright, mate, we'll think of something. Calm down."

It absolutely killed Louis to hear his best mate in this state. He felt absolutely useless from his stand-point. This was one of his biggest fears, as a matter of fact; being forced to the sidelines while Harry loses himself again. He'd never be able to live with himself if he found Harry like that again. Or worse...

"Calm down? Calm down?! I lost the love of my life while she was having medical issues and you want me to fucking calm down?" Harry rambled, furious and heartbroken.

"Medical issues?" Louis questioned. 

"She's been getting sick more," he elaborated.

"Fuck, do you think she's pregnant?"

"I would've talked to her about it if she was fucking here." 

They were both silent for a few minutes. Louis tried to figure out a way to help his friend, although he only felt defeated. Harry attempted to calm himself down and find the best course of action.

"I think I'm gonna see my parents and come back home," Harry mumbled into the phone. His eyes were closed and his head hung heavy on his shoulders. 

"Are you sure you want to go back to your flat?"

"That's not home," Harry said. "I don't trust myself alone again. Not like this." Louis sighed, a deep pain radiating through his chest at Harry's words.

"You're always welcome here, Haz. Always."

"Thanks," Harry mumbled, barely audible. The word barely made it past the vibration of his vocal chords. "I'll see you in a bit, Lou."

"If you need anything, you call me, alright?" Louis was practically begging.


"I mean it, Hazza."

Harry sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head against the wall; the same way he'd rest against her forehead. All his energy had left his body. He was drained in the worst way.

"I know, Tommo."

"I love you, Haz," Louis said, hoping it was enough to make his best mate feel supported in some--any--way.

"Love you, too, Lou," he choked out, remembering how he'd mutter those words to his love.


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