Chapter Five

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Beastboys POV:

I was laying in my bed,  staring at the ceiling as I remember the events that just happened moments before. A smile was stuck on my face. We kissed. We actually kissed. I sat up on my bed and walked out to the common room to find Cy playing video games while Star and Robin were flirting on the couch. I walked over and sat next to Cy taking a controller for myself.

"Bet I can beat you" I said, challenging him. He just smirked.

"Oh BB when have you ever been able to beat me?"

I just laughed as he switched the game to 2 players and we were off. Both of us were smashing buttons, not taking our eyes off the screen. I was about to win when I heard the door open and Raven walked in. Her hair was still damp from her shower, slightly wavy due to the water. She had a simple black tank top on and pajama shorts on. Something so simple looked so amazing on her. I didn't realize I was staring until I heard Cy yell.

"BOOYAH That's how you win!"

I looked back at the screen and saw 'WINNER!' flashing in red and yellow. I sighed and shook my head, accepting my defeat. Raven came and sat over on the couch, quietly laughing at my failure. I just chuckled and looked at her.

"Let's see you beat me Rae"

She just shook her head and giggled again. Cys phone went off as Bee's special set ringtone went off. They were talking about making plans but for some reason they involved the whole team. Once he hung up he looked at all of us.

"Titans East is hosting a party and invited all of us."

I threw my fist in the air excitedly.

"Woo! Party!"

Everyone shook their heads at me and just laughed before Robin stood in front of everyone.

"Okay team we have a party to go to. Everyone knows the rules. No drinking to much and no bringing people back to the tower, Bee is the only exception since she is Cys girlfriend."

By stood up smirking.

"A date is also required! So if any of you show up without someone I will personally throw you out."

I glanced at Raven and she seemed shocked. Dates weren't really her thing. Honestly I don't think she's ever had a date. The closest thing she's had is a talking book. I turn around to talk to her but my arm is pulled as Cy pulls me up.

"You my friend, is getting a date. I already have it set up and everything. You just gotta meet up with her. I think I did pretty good if I do say so myself." He said smugly.

I glanced at Raven again and felt my heart drop. She looked so hurt and upset. I could feel the heartbreak radiating from her. I looked back at Cy.

"Um... I don't think I want to do this. I already have another girl in mind and I don't know how I feel about taking a complete stranger to this party." I said nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

"Nope to bad it's already set up,  besides who said you didn't know her? You very well know her my friend and I think you're gonna love me after this."

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room to start getting ready for the dreaded party. I sighed deeply, looking at Raven. How badly I just wanted to take her hand and ask her to be my date.

As everyone got ready we all met up at the common room. Right now we were waiting for the girls. I had on black skinny jeans, a pair of green Jordans, a leather jacket and under it a plain white shirt. My hair was slicked back and kinda spiked. Not gonna lie, I looked pretty good. Cy made me dress up otherwise I would of just worn a T-shirt and jeans, not wanting to impress this mystery girl at all. Just then the door opened revealing the girls. My jaw dropped. Raven was in a light purple felt dress with a lace bow in the middle that expanded down to her waist, black heels, and a black heart necklace with a dark purple gem. She has light makeup consisting of some mascara, eyeliner, and dark purple lipstick. Her hair was straight, turning into curls at the tips. She looked amazing. I gulped as she got closer.

"Y-You look great Rae." I choked out as I scratched the back of my neck. The blush was obvious on my face as I looked into her eyes. She was beautiful. She smiled shyly and whispered a thanks before we all headed towards the party. I swear I saw Raven blushing as we walked away.

As we pulled up we could hear the music blasting from outside. There were already quite a few people here. There was a mix of heroes and regular citizens. We got inside and the smell of alcohol and sweat invaded my nose. People were dancing, bottles in hands. I looked around, taking in all the people before I noticed a certain blonde walking towards me. Wait a minute. Is that Terra!?

"Hiya beastboy" She said, smiling. I couldn't believe she was here. What was she doing here? How did she even know who I was? I took a shaky breath before replying.

"Um... Hi"

Then a thought popped in my head. My eyes grew big. Is she my date!? As if reading my mind, Cy steps forward.

"I found her and talked to her. Even managed to jog her memory and with a few secret lessons we managed to get her powers under control."

I couldn't believe this. The girl that I thought loved me but only just wanted to destroy us was my date tonight. I needed air. I turned on my feet and stepped outside, not hearing someone following after me.

Ravens POV:

Terra!? FREAKING TERRA!? How the hell was I supposed to even compete with her? She was pretty, nice, BLONDE! And not to mention not half demon and actually able to show her emotions. I looked at the ground, not wanting to see their reunion.

"Um... Hi"

That was beastboys only reply? Hi? Wasn't he excited to see her? He loved her. My heart sank when I realized that. He loved her even after what she did. I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw beastboy walk away. Terra went to follow him but I quickly put my hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Let me talk to him.. He uh might not want to see you yet."

I quickly followed him outside. He was sitting in front of a lake, leaning against a tree. I slowly stepped over and sat next to him, just looking at the water.

"Why are you out here? Aren't you happy to see her?"

"If this party had happened a month ago then yeah maybe, but things changed. I noticed her as the monster that she is. She could of hurt any of us. She could of hurt you Rae."

My heart fluttered at his concern for me. I couldn't hide the smile that appeared on my face as I looked over at him.

"You know I can take care of myself right? Well I could of when she was around anyways. I don't know maybe I could throw rocks at her head and knock her out."

He laughed and looked at me as our eyes met. We both wore smiles on our faces as we talked.

"I'll always protect you Rae, rather it's lasers coming from a light obsessed madman to a crazy rock controlling back stabber."

I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Ya know I believe that's kind of your job right now? I mean you literally have my location at all times."

He smirked and pulled out the little remote.

"Hmmm, I wonder where you're at right now." He said, jokingly. He pressed the button as a screen popped up from the small device, showing my location.

"Huh, it says your right here next to me. I wouldn't want you any other place."

He looked me in the eyes again and smiled, showing his fangs. My thoughts went back to our kiss. How it felt having his lips against mine. How my stomach felt like a thousand butterflies were desperate to get out. How my skin crawled with delight. That's when I realized it. I was reliving these sensations as I opened my eyes to see his lips on mine once again. I slowly closed my eyes again and rested my hand on his cheek, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. I was so into the kiss that I didn't sense the presence that found us.

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