Basic Vowels

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ㅏ (a) sound as "aa"
ㅑ (ya) sound as "ya"
ㅓ (eo) sound as "oh"
ㅕ (yeo) sound as "yeo"
ㅗ (o) sound as "o"
ㅛ (yo) sound as "yo"
ㅜ (u) sound as hard "o"
ㅠ (yu) sound as "you"
ㅡ (eu) sound as "eoo"
ㅣ (i) sound as "e"

* In Hangeul each vowel is combined with consonant to form a letter

아 (a)
야 (ya)
어 (eo)
여 (yeo)
오 (o)
요 (yo)
우 (u)
유 (yu)
으 (eu)
이 (i)

* ieung "ㅇ" which have no sound is used to hold the place of a consonant in a vowel-initial syllable. Meaning to say if the initial of the syllable is vowel you need to put the "ㅇ" or ieung to make the right syllable.

- the "ㅇ" or ieung is placed at right side of vowels, which are having a long vertical line.

**ex. ㅇ + ㅏ = 아

- the "ㅇ" or ieung is placed on top of vowels, which are having a long horizontal line.

**ex. ㅇ + ㅜ = 우

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