-Chapter 1-

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Felix was sprinting as fast as he could down the abandoned street, he needed to take shelter as soon as possible.

"You can run but you can't hide!" the voice called out.

All of a sudden the loud sound of a gunshot went off. He ran faster now trying to get into a building, but all were locked.

Another shot was fired, which he tried to dodge but failed, as he was hit in the shoulder. He hissed in pain but kept going, he soon looked back to see that the gunmen stopped to reload his gun once more.

He now had a 30 second window to find a place to hide before he would be shot at again.

To his surprise while turning the corner he found a local candy shop. He felt a wave of relief for it to be open 24/7.

He ran into the shop and dove over the counter that a girl was standing at. She looked down at him shocked as he put a finger to his mouth for her to stay quiet.

She did as she was told and soon after the bell rang signalling another customer came in, the man was carrying a gun and she noticed. He then spoke up and asked if she saw where a young man went,

Felix was afraid that she would give away his hiding place but

she stood her ground and calmly said "I have no idea what your talking about."

The man pointed the gun towards her head and shouted "You have 5 seconds to tell me where he is or I will kill you right now!"

she then smiled sweetly and said "I wouldn't be so sure to point that at me right now."

But before he could process what she said, the gun was taken out of his hand with her on top of him, pushing him to the ground.

While holding the gun to his head she phoned the police and finally the cops came and took him away.

Felix finally came out from hiding with blood running down his arm, he started to walk towards the girl that saved his life, about to thank her but everything started to get blurry and he blacked out falling to the cold hard ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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