Chapter 7~ Questions

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Picture of Arden ->


---------------------------------------Colton's POV------------------------------------------

Once Claire's body had completed the shift, I picked her up bridle style and walked her to the pack doctor's office.

"What happened?" Julia exclaimed as we walked in.

"She went through her first shift." I set her body down on the exam table in the room Dr. Andrews gestured for me to go into. It was still in wolf form, but that would change as soon as her body calmed down. I still barely knew anything about this girl, and I had no idea why her first shift was so late. "Run some tests for me. Nothing too drastic, maybe just take some blood. Once her results are in contact me immediately. I will have Arden bring her things for when she shifts back. Put something on her. Contact me if she wakes up." I turned on my heels and walked out.

I jogged to the edge of the woods just behind the office, took off my clothes, and shifted. It had immensely hurt me watching my mate go through that, whilst being able to do nothing to ease her pain. I still was unsure if Bradley or Nathan knew she was my mate. I did know though that she had no clue. Seeing as she probably didn't know she was a werewolf, how could she?

I ran through the woods, going where I usually can get a few minutes alone instead of someone from the pack trying to get my attention every two minutes. Once I got to the lake, about a ten-minute run, I laid down.

I started thinking about her.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Small, but gorgeous. I could tell she had quite an attitude to her that usually I would not tolerate, but I knew I could never purposefully harm her.

I also knew I would have to keep these mushy thoughts to myself. Not only because I would have to wait to tell her and everyone else that we were mates, but also because I was the most feared Alpha in the country, possibly the world, and if anyone knew I thought about a girl like this they would strip her away from me faster than I could blink. Someone in my pack would do it so I wouldn't look weak, or some outsider would do it to hurt me. I knew I could only ever be that mushy mate when we were alone, and she would soon realize that also. But I would never be the mate this girl deserves. I knew that already.

But until I could tell her about the mate thing I would have to try to busy myself with other things. Seeing as if i get too close to her I might finish the mating ritual a little too fast for her.

I shook my head before I could start thinking about that. I would get too riled up that way.

But at least I have a mate. I thought.

I laid there for a few more moments, then got up and ran back. Every time I shifted it felt good, like I was free.

I got back to where I had left my clothes and shifted back. I changed and checked my phone. No calls. Damn. It had to have been at least an hour. I thought as I walked into my house.

Normally Alpha's stay and live in the pack house with most of his right hand men and women, but I wanted to live on my own. I needed somewhere I could go to be a bit more stress free. And get work done in peace. Arden and Osiris had twins, a little boy and a little girl, and with them running around you can barely get work done.

But we did have a pack house. Nathan was mostly in charge of it. He had the master bedroom, which would've been mine if I had chosen to stay. Then Bradley, Arden, and Jacob also lived there.

In a pack there are usually the top five in command. When someone is made Alpha, they choose all five.

Bradley was my father's Beta, and he still wanted the job when I had become Alpha, so my father persuaded me into making him my beta, even though I hated him.

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