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Things feel so funny. I feel like there is no one that I can trust. I didn't immediately trust Bambi but I don't understand. Why the hell would Bambi set me up? I was on her side. I'm sitting here thinking that Pia would go behind my back and try to out me but it's actually Bambi. What the fuck was that about? I thought we had a deal. I pretend to be her little boyfriend and she keeps my secret.

I don't trust Bambi. It's the end of the school day and everyone is on their way to the dorms. The sky bridge is packed with students at that moment hustling past. I'm on my way to meet her to figure out what's going on but as I start walking immediately I find myself being pulled aside by Jax.

He grabs a hold of my shoulder.

"Hey...can I talk to you for a minute?"

When Jax looks at me I can tell Bambi is right down the hallway. She's talking to Chyna. She's probably giving Chyna some more marching orders for all that I know. The tide is definitely turning fast. Chyna went from following Pia and Bambi around to just following Bambi around. It's clear the past couple of days Pia hasn't exactly been the person that people head over to.

"Now?" I ask Jax.

"It's about that situation," Jax states.

Shit. I'm shocked. I actually gave up on Jax wanting to talk about the whole journal situation. He has been sweeping it under the rug as though it meant nothing. Now he's standing here and all of a sudden, the last thing I give a fuck about is Bambi and Pia.

"Sure let's go back to the lab. It's private in there."

Jax nods.

My heart is beating faster and faster. I can't believe Jax and I are really about to talk about what I wrote in that journal. I don't know how he feels about it. I mean he seemed turned off when he first saw the book but he jumped to my defense against Pia. Maybe he's not freaked out about it. Maybe there is some chance in hell that the chemistry I'm feeling with him isn't just my imagination.

I'm so nervous as we walk back.

My heart is beating unnaturally fast by the time we get to the lab. By the time, he closes the door on the empty lab and stands next to me I can feel a cold sweat drip down my back.

"I think we need to talk about it...the elephant in the room," Jax states.

Fuck. It's happening. It's happening now.

"Yeah. Let's talk about it. I've been meaning to as well."

"Great," Jax states, "So I wanted to honestly apologize about the whole Mars situation. If I knew Pia had that planned I would have checked her a long time ago."

Wait what? He wasn't talking about the fucking issue that I wanted to talk about. He was sitting here talking about some other shit. I thought he had finally wanted to pull me aside and talk about my crush on him.

"Jax. You brought me in here to talk about Mars?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. Of course. What did you think?"

Jax is really playing dumb right now. Maybe he just buried what I wrote in my journal to the back of his mind so deep that it got lost. He isn't going to address the real issue of sexuality right now. First, he avoids me and now he's just avoiding the topic. I consider being pushy for a minute. I consider really sitting there and just letting it all out, but what if he runs off again? What if Jax starts avoiding me all over again? That definitely isn't what I wanted.

So instead of being pushy I back down, I swallow my smile and force a smirk, "No yeah. Mars. Listen, Jax...it's cool."

"So we good?"

Semester in Space BxB (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now