the gang named them selves the friend's and set off to find the assasins. they past mars and Saturn searching firbthem through the galaxy.BTW the queen was transported to the moon . then they got to the moon and found them. bat man use his batmobile and started chasing after them. cat women pounced after them . hulk started taring parts off the moon and chucking them at him. black pantha chased after them using poison claws. the scarlet which uses her powers and made a power samurai sword. storm used the elements and also had some samurai swords that she used when she was a porn star. Sherlock went straight to the queen asking her questions. antmqn turned huge and cloberd them. CRASH ,BANG , BOOM , ZZZZ AND THE ASSASSINS WHERE ASSASSINATED. the queen went back to earth and they all got rewards. they all then went in there own paths fighting crime.