Chapter 5

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Vanessa's pov

When my eyes grew wide open i saw that room 208 was right across the hall and i quickly closed the door and it slammed waking Melissa up and i made her get scared saying "Holy shit! Da fuck Vanessa!! You scared the shit out of me!!" I look at her and laugh and say "haha sorry! I didnt mean to" then she asked "why did you slam the door?" then i hand her my phone she reads the messages and says "And?" then i open the door and show her and she closes the door by slamming it like me and we both scream and jump like dumbasses! Then it was 11:30 so then we got ready for bed and then i saw that melissa put on her tupac shirt and went to sleep with it on.

Next day!

Then i woke up and it was 12:30 i saw that Cameron texted me saying "hey! You doing anything today?" I read it and i was soo happy and i blushed then i texted back "not that i know of, why?" Then he replies saying "oh ok its just that i wanted to hang out with you for a while" i giggled and blushed and said "ok meet you at your hotel room ok?" Then he replied "ok at around 1:20 1:25?" Then i say "yea sure see you there!" And he said "ok see you!" I blush and i go to the bathroom to do my business and i hop in the tub and take a shower. then i put on a nice white crop top and some black booty shorts with my same white vans and i go to the kitchen to make breakfast when i heard Melissa coming down the stairs saying "hey wats up! Why are you dressed so purty?" then i say "its cause.. cameron wants to spend some time with me!!" I say as i look at her shocked/happy face and she says "ohh bruh!!" then i laugh and say "yea i know girl!" then she tells me "Now hurry up! cause im hungry as a mofo" then i laugh and make some pancakes,eggs, and bacon as usual with orange juice. then i ate and when i finished i washed my plate and Melissa washed hers and then we decided to sit on the couch and watch some tv then Melissa said "im gonna take a shower and get ready ok?" then i reply and say "ok" i looked at the clock and it was 1:19 and i decided to yell at Melissa saying "im gonna go now ok?" Then she says "ok! Get me shawn's number please!!" Then i laugh and say "ok will do!!" Then i walk out the door with butterflies in my stomach and i look straight at room 208 while leaning on our room door.

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