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"Great..." Your umbrella got caught up on a low-hanging branch, causing it to tear, and leaving you with a useless umbrella, under the pouring rain. You sighed as you lifted your hoodie over your head and made your way towards a garbage can to throw out the umbrella.

Making your way down the park's walkway where you Namjoon had many entertaining walks, you found no trace of him. So you gathered up your annoyance and made your way down the street across the park. It led up a hill, and although exercising wasn't your strong suit, you still decided against making Namjoon's whereabouts somebody else's problem, being too worried about him.

You walked up the hill with long strides, trying to reach the top as soon as possible. You looked every which way in the mean time, trying to find an expensive motorcycle and a tall handsome man on it or somewhere near it...

You finally reached the top, the water falling into your eyes was starting to make your vision blurry. You reached into your pocket for your ringing phone, but as you tried to answer Jimin's call, the water on top of your phone made it impossible for it to respond to your touch.

You groaned as you rammed the phone back into your pocket, continuing to look for Namjoon on top of the hill. It was a long road that led to a dead end. On special events such as July fourth or New Year's, cars would line up along this road and watch the fireworks. But today it was pretty empty, only two or three cars were there, couples in there as they shared the view below them. 

You ended up spotting Namjoon, he was standing beside his motorcycle as he also looked at the view with his hands in the pockets of his overused leather jacket. 

You sighed in relief before approaching him.

"Hey..." You said very softly, trying not to get water in your mouth. But thankfully, the rain had calmed down.

Namjoon gave you a sided look, not bothering to turn his head as he looked back towards the city lights.

"I... I was worried." You mumbled.

"Sorry." He shrugged.

"I also think you should hear Jessica out.... Our kiss doesn't have to mean anything. You guys clearly love each other still." You looked down, picking up on Namjoon's habit of balancing yourself on one foot.

Namjoon gave a bitter and low chuckle. "Really?"

You gave him a questioning look.


"After everything she did to you? Said to you? And you're still speaking on her behalf?"

You reflected on those words. You didn't really know yourself why you were doing this. But at this point, seeing Namjoon happy again would be enough.

"Just talk to her."

Namjoon sighed, finally taking a good look at you. He eyed you for a couple of seconds before rolling his eyes, taking his jacket off and sliding it on you. The leather had prevented it from being wet on the inside.

"You shouldn't have come looking for me in the rain. You're drenched."

You hid your smile as you looked down. Soon finding yourself frowning. "You left your helmet and... I was worried." Images if your bloody father flashed in your mind. You shook it off, holding back tears.

Namjoon knew exactly what was going on in your mind. He looked down, guilt seeping into him. He doesn't even remember his parents, but you knew your dad and you watched him die, so he could not begin to imagine how you felt.

FUNNY - RM / Kim Namjoon X READER (BTS KNJ) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now