♦ liar game | new cover ('18 B)

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Hello! Sorry for being inactive here in Wattpad. I've been busy with some stuff (blame the multiple slack workspaces that I'm in and multiple asian dramas that I'm watching lol) and I have a huge secret thingy going on which I'll reveal when the time comes/soon (Hopefully, the odds are in my favor).

 I've been busy with some stuff (blame the multiple slack workspaces that I'm in and multiple asian dramas that I'm watching lol) and I have a huge secret thingy going on which I'll reveal when the time comes/soon (Hopefully, the odds are in my fa...

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Other Updates:

1. Mini Graphic (Non-Committing) Shop: It's currently closed. I'm going to update the chapter and open it soon. I think I only made 2-3 requests.

2. Challenges: I removed and edited the chapter for the challenges. I want this graphics book to be more organized. I think the challenges were a bit more personal and having to share my progress on the challenges pressures me into making everything look good instead of focusing on my development and experimenting with different things. Don't worry, I'll still post some stuff here from time to time. 

3. Commissions: I'm planning to start doing commissions.


Btw, to all incoming UP Diliman freshies (mga isko and iska) WELCOME TO HELL! HAHAHAHA. JK

Enjoy your stay sa UP. It's true that UP can be tormenting especially that it's considered the top university here in the country pero your ate's and kuya's are here to guide you naman. Nandiyan rin yung batchmates mo. Laban lang. :)


Good luck!

Do not copy, edit or steal any of my works

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Do not copy, edit or steal any of my works. Do not repost on other websites, such as Pinterest.  


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liar game: graphics portfolioWhere stories live. Discover now