TG Twelve

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Baekhyun and his mother had a long discussion that morning. They walked out to drink a coffee after Baekhyun took a shower and his mother got ready. The two Byun's sat down at the cafe Chanyeol's friend Xiumin was working at, just because Baehyun started to prefer the drinks there. 

A feeling of guilt was filled in Baekhyun's heart, Chanyeol's words were really touching. Even though he wasn't sure what he meant, that was the reason to sit here with his mother. A young girl, probably a student was there to write down their order. ''Mom, I'm really sorry to what I said.''

His mother chuckled while looking around the cafe. ''What happened to my never apologizing son?'' She asked sarcastically, gaining an eye-roll from Baekhyun. ''Mom, I'm being serious!'' 

''I know.'' Ms. Byun said and smiled. ''It's fine Baekhyun. I would've forgiven you without you apologizing anyways.'' Within minutes their order arrived at the table, they thanked the waitress and waited for her to leave. ''But what is the reason for your apology?''

''Do I need a reason?''

Ms. Byun raised her eyebrows and bent her head lightly, giving him the say the truth gaze. ''I had a specific conversation with Chanyeol this morning, we fought yesterday'' Baekhyun explained. ''I guess.'' He added since he wasn't even sure if that was even a real fight. 

''Is everything okay between you two?'' 

Baekhyun nodded. ''Yes. don't worry about that. My point is, that I realized that you may or may not have reasons for the things you do and me not supporting you is just. .  shit.'' The smoke of his coffee steamed upwards. ''And even though it might be a little late, I want to know why you're behaving like that.'' Maybe with that, I can find out more about why Chanyeol is behaving like that too.

Don't get Baekhyun wrong, he doesn't ask his mother this question so he could only find out more about Chanyeol, he really was interested in his mother's reasons, but it was like one for two. Chanyeol seemed like understanding his mother without really talking to her that much or knowing her for too long. 

Words weren't the thing Ms. Byun could find right now, she was a little shocked about her son's interest in her, she felt important at some point. ''Of course.'' She said. ''I'm not sure if you will be comfortable with this kind of conversation but well. . '' She sipped on her coffee and licked her lips. ''Your father wasn't the man to treat me right, as you might remember.''

Oh and how Baekhyun does remember, he never was a bad father but a bad husband. He bought everything for Baekhyun and went on adventures with him, but he never showed any positive affection towards his mother. 

''We didn't marry because we wanted to, but because we had to.'' Right, Baekhyun was an unwanted child. ''Your father really took the responsibility as a father, we actually were about to break up anyways, but we didn't. To keep it short, we had an open marriage if I can name it that way. ''He had a lot of other women.'' Baekhyun cringed. ''I didn't, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to he didn't let me, he was possessed. That's where I realized that men never cared about how many women they had, as long as the woman doesn't have a lot of men, you understand?''

''I don't know if I understood that to be honest.''

His mother chuckled. ''Your dad didn't allow me to fall in love. I know it's weird to hear that from your mom but imagine having literally no one but a son. He was a good father to you, no doubt but that doesn't mean I didn't feel lonely knowing that he was with another woman every time.''

''Why did he do that?''

''Ah. . ''She sighed. ''I don't know. After we finally got divorced I was able to move on. You have to think that I spend almost 11 years with him, seven of these with you by my side. Seven years with no mental support. Like I said I realized how men work in my surroundings. I am not focused on sleeping with all men of the world.''

''Mom,'' Baekhyun interrupted. ''I'm cringing.''

''My fault.'' She laughed. ''I just grew with the feeling of not being important and used. That those people will leave no matter what, so I give them what they need to have the feeling of being useful. Don't worry about your mom, Baek. I'm fine, I play with them too.''

Baekhyun got it, he finally got it Why his mother was like that and why Chanyeol was the way he was too. He understood that they weren't that different. The only difference now is, that Baekhyun knows the reason of his mother, but not Chanyeol's.


Hello, I'm back, anyone who missed me?
No? K.

I think I will not be known if I start writing my none fanfiction story, ah. .
Maybe I'll start writing bxg in a fanfiction version where I will pick a random girl name but a known male kpop idol

Which male idol should it be. .

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