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Jesse Pov:

The tentacle tightened its grip around me. Sylvia tightened her grip on my wrist also.

As the wither storm tentacle was trying to pry me away from the horse and Sylvia I noticed that Sylvia was starting to lose her grip on the horse reins.

"You need to let go." I said calmly. "Are you crazy!?" She retorted. "No, I'm insane," I answered. She didn't reply just continued to pull on my wrist.

I was being pulled in two different directions which was... disorienting.

I took out my enchanted diamond sword with my free hand and clutch the handle so tight my knuckles became pale.

I sliced the tentacle, cutting it off and I heard an ear piercing screech. I was no longer being pulled towards the wither storm, but Sylvia jerked my wrist altering my landing. I

landed right on the horse's back and she made the horse sprint, kicking the horse's side with her sneakers. The horse neighed before breaking off into a sprint.

I put my enchanted sword in my inventory and hung unto Sylvia's waist. I was surprised the sword still worked on the wither storm.

10 minutes had passed and none of us spoke I word. Not that we all didn't want to, but because you would barely even hear the person.

I glanced over to Petra her horse was as white as a feather. Its mane looked softer than a dog's fur.

"What if a tentacle grabs Petra?" I thought to myself. I instantly frowned at the thought. "Mustn't think like that Jesse!" I mentally scolded myself.

Then in the side of my stomach I felt a sharp pain. I groaned silently and looked at my stomach and saw that my armor had a dent in it and fresh blood was oozing faintly staining the armor.

Then a new thought entered my mind.

"How could you?"

I shudder at the thought, the rest of the dreams suddenly flooding my mind. It was like watching a horror movie that never ends, just looping.

The outrageous roar of the wither storm snapped me back to reality.

I looked over to Lukas who was still unconscious. His shoulders were slumped and his head rested on the neck of the horse.

Petra had his hand on his back ensuring he didn't tumble off. Their was a warm breeze and I looked up at the sky and for the first time I noticed that the sky had turn to a more purple-ish color than a blue.

I glanced behind me which was probably the worst thing I could have done.

The 'land' was desolate and barren. The wither storm had torn it apart already and it had grew bigger than it was just a few seconds ago.

Its purple beams glowed on things that were land making itself grow bigger. I watched as trees were pulled up from the ground the roots dangling as it was jerked higher.

I turned my head from the sight and Beacon town entered my mind. The horrified citizen's faces, the city being pulled apart one block at a time.

It was a hard scene to watch. I wanted to go back and help them when I could, but it was just a too risky task and just couldn't be done at the time.

I glanced back over to Lukas I was really hoping he would became conscious again and at that moment he did.

His body stiffened and he rubbed the back if his head. Petra shouted something that I barely heard, "Move your head Lukas It's in my way!"

He did so, titling his head to the side, so Petra could see.

Lukas frantically looked around and he caught sight of me and relaxed a little bit.

I gave him a weak and faint smile. He softly smiled back before turning back to face the endless road ahead.

2 hours later:

We had lost track of wither storm and rode into the forest. Petra said Axel and Olivia should be waiting for us around here.

She also mentioned she had scouted ahead, looking for us.

From what I heard from Sylvia apparently Lukas and I got hit with something and that Petra tackled Sylvie (Sylvia's evil twin sister).

I was a little shocked at first, but I secretly laughed I mean. If someone came out of nowhere and tackled you, that's just straight out funny, but there was no time for laughter just yet.

We had a job to do. To defeat the wither storm once again. It had to go down even if our lives depended on it, which it does.

I started to cough really badly which was unfortunate for me considering you could actually hear everyone now.

Sylvia glanced at me a concerned expression on her face. "Are you okay.." She said, the last word drifting off.

I quickly nodded, but another cough followed and she raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh." She said unconvinced and looking back in front of her. I wiped sweat off my forehead and chuckled nervously, but not loud enough for her to hear.

The horse's hooves were the only sound except for the occasional wind blowing.

My legs were extremely sore from sprinting every time my leg dangled it hurt. Every now and then a silently groaned, wishing the pain would just go away.

30 minutes of riding had passed when Petra abruptly stopped her horse. "There!" She pointed to a flat spot and sure enough two people were sitting discussing something and those two people were Axel and Olivia.

Olivia looked up and was first to notice us, a smile lit up on her face she swiftly tugged on Axel's sleeve.

He stopped talking and looked at Olivia who just pointed towards us. Axel turned his head and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

It was only a few seconds before we stopped. Sylvia put one foot to her right side and slid off.

I was about to do the same when Lukas walked over to me holding his hand out. "Let me help you," He whispered. I gratefully took his hand and he grabbed my waist and gently set me down.

Once, I was the ground I mouthed 'thank you.' 'Your welcome,' he mouthed back.

We joined in with the others who were already chatting, discussing idea's of how to take down the wither storm.

"What if we build something, like last time!" Olivia suggested. "Or lead it again." Axel pitched in.

"Soren's fortress!" Petra blurted out.

"We lead the wither storm to Soren's fortress like last time and we all can regroup there." Lukas said and I weakly nodded.

"Do we have to go back for Ivor....?" Petra moaned.

"Yes." I said, sternly.

She reluctantly nodded.

"We'll meet you guys back at Soren's Fortress," Lukas said.

I nodded in agreement and in between coughs I said, "Its settled then."


Yep, leaving you all off here.

To be honest I literally asked me dad and little cousin if they know how to take someone off a horse. Obvious answer: No, but it was worth a shot. -shrugs-

Wither Sickness Book 2: Past CallsWhere stories live. Discover now