My Sweet Lord

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Peter is really getting on your nerves. He keeps pulling stupid pranks on you. The first time it was funny and it kind of benefited you too. He pied you in the face. He had licked off some of the whipped cream from your face afterwards. The second time, he drew on your face while you were sleeping. Thank the galaxy that it wasn't permanent marker. There were many other pranks after that.

Anyway, you just finished a mission; you and the other guardians are on your way to a bar. The others want a drink, but you just want to get back to the Milano.

You tell the others to go ahead in. You decide to stand in front of a large fountain. It has many lights shining up through the water. Many purples and blues and pinks. It's beautiful, especially at night. At the moment, you're thinking about whether you should tell Peter how you feel about him.

The pros would include: Peter knowing how you feel. The cons would include: Peter knowing how you feel. Staying in the dark about it is a better option.

"Hey." You'd know that voice anywhere. The deep wonderful voice that sends chills down your spine.

You glance over, inviting that cheap cologne smell that always belongs to Peter. By no means is it an awful smell, quite the opposite. His eyes are on you, studying your face.

"Hey." You say as you turn your head and look at the water.

"Are you okay? You're usually dying to get a drink." He states as he looks at you.

"I'm fine. Just tired, I guess." You answer as you back away from the fountain a little bit.

There's a silence between the two of you for a minute. Does Peter actually hate you? It would make sense. He's always pulling those pranks on you and sometimes he makes you stay back on the Milano with Groot.

"Peter?" You question.

He turns his head to look at you.

"Hm?" He moves a little closer.

You see him lick his lips from the corner of your eye. You fold your arms over your chest.

"Why do you hate me?" You blurt out.

"What?" He chuckles which causes you to look at him.

"I don't hate you." He continues to chuckle.

Your eyebrows almost stitch together in confusion.

"Pretty sure you do. You only prank me and you make me stay back with Groot all of the time. I'm surprised you let me go on this mission." You explain and now it's his turn to be confused.

"I-(y/n)." He pauses as he walks in front of you. "You actually think I hate you?" He asks as he puts his hands on your shoulders.

You bite your lip and shrug. "I don't know." You answer as you look into his eyes.

"(Y/n), I prank you because I thought you could take a joke. I'm pretty sure Rocket would try to blow me up. Gamora would break my arm. Drax would crush me and well, I'm not gonna prank Groot. He's too adorable." He pauses and takes a deep breath in. "I mean, you're adorable too. I think we just have a somewhat stronger connection than the others." He explains. "Also, the whole you staying behind with Groot thing, he really likes you and acts like an angel around you. He listens to you. None of us can make him act like that besides you." He finishes with a smile.

You walk closer to him. As you look up at him through your eyelashes, you remember his pranks. You also remember the water fountain behind him. Time for payback.

"Quill?" You say lowly as you put a hand on his chest.

His hands are still on your shoulders.

Peter Quill/ Star-Lord X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now