1: Jealous

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"Lilly," you said to your oldest daughter, "mommy needs to use the restroom, help me watch Jack and Gracie, I'll be back in a second."

Lilly, who was six, nodded enthusiastically and gave you a toothy grin before you left the table. Lilly sat in a window seat where she could see the views of the street outside the diner. She played with her straw, bending it back and forth as she waited for you to come back. Jack, who was only two years younger than Lilly, sat next to her, doodling on a blank napkin that he grabbed from the table next to theirs. Gracie, the youngest, seemed to be fascinated with everything; was playing with a flower that she plucked from the small white vase at the center of the table. Suddenly, just as Jack looked up from his doodled napkin, he saw a conversation exchanged between you and another man.

"Lilly," Jack nudged her arm with his elbow.


"Mommy is talking to someone," he said.

Lilly looked up instantly, her pretty brown eyes observing the situation.

"Interesting," Lilly raised her eyebrow as she took a glimpse of the figure standing next to you.

"Shh, I want to hear what they are talking about," Jack shushed.

Lilly pouted but listened attentively to the conversation between you and the stranger.

A minute later, someone slides into the seat across from them, breaking their attention from you.

"Auntie Aaliyah!" Lilly and Jack leaned over the table and kissed Aaliyah on her naturally pink cheeks.

"Hey," Aaliyah smiled and kissed them back on their foreheads.

Gracie blew a raspberry as Aaliyah slid into the seat next to her. Aaliyah chuckled and stroked Gracie's brown hair affectionately.

"Where's Y/N?" Aaliyah asked Lilly and Jack, who were both trying to eavesdrop again.

"Right there," Jack pointed with his tiny fingers.

"Mommy was talking to him for the past four minutes," Lilly informed.

"Do you guys know him?" Aaliyah asked.

"Nope," Lilly and Jack both shook their heads.

A flicker of amusement appeared in her expression, and she too, listen to your conversation. After a quick moment, Aaliyah observed,

"he is hitting on her, but I don't think Y/N realized that."


You invited Aaliyah to have lunch with you and Shawn, plus the children; Lilly, Jack, and Gracie. When you got out of the restroom, you ran into a guy and somehow, he managed to drag you into a long conversation, first about the food, then the topics turned slightly personal. Ending the conversation and cutting him off while he talked seemed rude. Though, You were feeling extremely uncomfortable when he took a step closer to you. Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed that Aaliyah has already arrived and was sitting in the seat next to Gracie. Those three curiously brown eyes gawked at you.

Help me, you mouthed to Aaliyah, hoping she would do something to save you from this awkward conversation.

Aaliyah smirked and turned back around, pretending she didn't just see you there.

You narrowed your eyes at her when she ignored you, but your attention was quickly pulled back by another question,

"So, how old are you?"

Perfectly satisfied by herself, Aaliyah smiled widely but, failed to stifle her giggles.

"He's good looking but, I wonder Shawn would think about that," Aaliyah commented while laughing.

Shawn however, had already walked through the door of the restaurant when he heard Aaliyah's voice while looking for your table.

"Think what?" Shawn smiled as he walked toward Aaliyah, though his smile dimmed when he spotted you.

"Speaking of the devil," Aaliyah murmured to herself, her brown eyes sparkled with excitement as if she is watching a TV drama played right before her eyes.

He walked at a quicker pace until he reached you. He completely surprised you when he wrapped his arms around your waist and drew you closer. Your back was pressed against him, and you knew it was him without even taking one look at his face. It was his familiar scent; fresh laundry mixed with a little tint of cologne, which would bring a sense of warmth and chase away the insecurities buried deep under your mind.

"Y/N?" He said softly into your ears, but the look he threw to the guy in front of you was as sharp as blades.

"Oh, that's your boyfriend?" The stranger in front of you was starting to look a little bit uncomfortable.

"Her husband actually," Shawn corrected with bitterness mixed with his stone cold voice as he held up your hand with his. Your wedding ring and his wedding band glistened under the warm lights of the restaurant. That was also the moment where Aaliyah chose to explain to Lilly what 'hitting on' mean. Horrified, Lilly leaped off her seat in a swift movement.

"Mommy!" Lilly called as she ran toward you and hugged your leg with her tiny arms.

She threw a dirty look at the stranger as if she is telling him to back off.

"She's ours," Lilly claimed childishly, yet, making it sound the most heart-warming that someone could say.


After the guy left the both of you, Shawn dragged you into a dark corner; near the men's restroom, without saying another word.

"Shawn-" you were just about to ask what he was doing before he smashed his lips against yours. One of his hand grasped your shoulder, his other forearm rested against the wall. It was not a feather-light soft kiss filled with gentleness, but a rough and passionate one. All of his emotions leaked out as he kissed you fiercely, revealing each one of his thoughts. You could feel yourself melting under his touch; there was nothing else to do than to kiss him back.


"I feel like you guys shouldn't be watching that," Aaliyah said to your children who were sitting next to her, their eyes hooked on the figure of you and Shawn.

"It's not like we don't see it every day," Lilly said matter-factly.

"Do they kiss in front of you guys a lot?" Aaliyah giggled.

"Every-single-day," Lilly enunciated each word dramatically.

Gracie nodded along even though she had no idea what was going on, and climbed onto Aaliyah's lap. Aaliyah held her and turned back around so she could watch the moment with the children.

"I wonder if they sell popcorn here," Aaliyah said, still gaping at you and Shawn.

The conversation ended when you and Shawn slid back to your seats. Secretly, you hoped Aaliyah doesn't realize how flushed your cheeks looked or how messy your hair was.

"That was quick," Aaliyah commented.

Embarrassed, you clear your throat, trying to change the subject.

"Were you jealous?" You asked Shawn, who was flipping through the menu.

"Why should I be? I'm clearly better looking than he was," Shawn shrugged.

"How humble of you," Aaliyah snort sarcastically, taking a sip of her ice water.

Shawn smirked, running his hand through his hair,

"I'm just stating simple facts."


a/n: This actually sucks, what's with me lately?

          Have a nice day everyone~


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