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It seems everyone took my threats seriously for not updating so I got questions... I'm CC but you can call me Quinn! I'm going to go get Gray and Erza now... (BTW- This chapter is going to be in different format but after this it will return to normal storyline and format)

~After 30 minutes of convincing~

Quinn: Okay... So we have a few questions for the two of you to answer. Are you guys ready?

Erza: Yes....

Gray: Only if I have to.

Quinn: Okay first question is from KayeVonStaddi for Gray. Who is the prettiest girl, aside from Erza. Cause you would of course pick her. So who is the most beautiful out of: Juvia, Lucy, Mira, Levy, or Lisanna.

Gray: Hmmm... All of the following are beautiful. Not as beautiful as my Erza but I would have to say Mira.

Quinn: Okay second question is also from KayeVonStaddi, but for Erza this time. If Gray weren't around would Jellal have a chance?

Erza: No. Most likely not. He lied to me about him and Meredy and he has hurt me so much. I can only imagine what might happen if we were to ever get together.

Quinn: Next question is to Gray from YuraAmaterasu. Gray do you love the kids? If so when did you start loving them?

Gray: Is that even a question? Of course I love the kids and I've loved them ever since I found out about them!

Quinn: Thank you for that answer Gray... Okay next question is also from YuraAmaterasu. This one goes to Erza.

Erza: Hmm... Regrets... I don't regret falling in love with Gray or having kids with him. But maybe I regret not getting married yet. But the only reason for that is because I want to marry very soon so I can call him mine forever! :3

Quinn: AWWWEE! That's sweet. Okay next question is to Gray from VsAnbuNinjaUltimate. Okay Gray... Why must you strip?

Gray: Ugh why do I always get this damn question?! Ever since me and Erza got engaged I've actually stopped as much as possible and I don't strip as frequent, but it's never on purpose honestly...

Quinn: Haha okey. This question is from clerisa_debellequeen to both of you. How many months old are the kids?

Erza and Gray: Almost 6 months.

Quinn: Next question is for Gray from StephanieMoore451. How long have you loved Erza.

Gray: Okay well when she walked into the guild, I knew she was beautiful. But I really noticed my feeling for her when I found her at the riverside that one day crying.

Quinn: We are almost done! Here's another question for both of you! From Pablo401. If your kids were taken hostage and the only way to save them is to kill your spouse what would you do?

Erza: U-um.... I uh... don't kn- *starts bursting out crying*

Gray: Good lord! Great.... *cuddles Erza* It's okay... Well I don't have an answer either. Hopefully I would be able to outsmart it...

Quinn: Okay the last question is mine! Are you planning on having more kids?

Erza: I don't see why not... But that's not a for sure thing.

Gray: What Erza said ^

Quinn: Okay that's it! Thanks for your questions! I will be updating other stories soon and I have a new story coming out. I hope you read it!!!!

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