Part 1

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Y/N Pov age 6

"y/n we are heading over to Endeavours for dinner I want you to get along with there son his your age," mum said gearing up

"and sweet pea me and your mother are heading out on a mission so behave until we get back, ok, " dad said ruffling my hair with that they left so I decide you head out back to prats using my quirk which is making thunderstorms or lightning or thunder or rain I had been practising for three hours when I heard

"GET BACK HERE DEKU," a voice said then the sound of explosions went I quickly run to the front door then out into the street to see four boys three were standing together and one was a bit further away on the ground shaking the boy in the middle made an explosion in his hand 'so that's his quirk' I think to my self I start to walk over to the group of boy

"What's going on here," I say all the boys look at me

"Oh look here Ka-chan there's a girl," one of the boys says

"and she wants to know what we're doing," the other one says I look over at the one on the ground it looks like he's been hit two or three times I walk over to the boy

"Hey are you ok," I ask giving him a hand up he nods his head but I can see that he's not ok

"Hey girly don't wast your time on that pathetic quirkless loser," the boy with the hedgehog hair said I couldn't help but laugh a little on the inside but I look at the boy standing next to me

"so your quirkless," I say he nods his head

"so do you guys want to he heroes," I ask the three boys standing in front of me


"because if you do this is no way that you are going to make good ones because you are meant to help ones weaker then you but all I see is a bunch of bullies and that's no way to become a hero," I say they all stood there in shock then hedgehog hair started running at me

"AND WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW," he says firing an attack at me I just dodged it then I sent one lightning strike one the top of his head then I turned the sky above us black and let out a loud burst of thunder the two boys that didn't attack me run as fast as they could the boy standing next to me hide behind me and hedgehog boy just got up and start mumbling to his self as he walked around the corner

"hey it's ok, let's head to my house," I say looking at the boy behind me he nods his head so we walk inside I got a glass of water for me and the boy

"Oh I forgot to ask what your name mine is Y/n," I say handing him the glass

"hi y/n my name is Izuku," he says smiling

"well Izuku it's a polisher to meet you" we instntly became friends

*time skip*

Izuku left an hour ago ten minutes later my mum and dad came home we all got ready to go have dinner my mum was wearing a maroon coloured dress her hair up in a bun and she was wearing pearls my dad was in a tux I was wearing a black top, shorts, a red flannel and some black lace-up shoes *photo at the top* when we got there we were meet by a lady with white hair and gray eyes she took one look at my mum and dad then let us in

"thunder, rain woman," a man said walking over and hugged my parents

" Endeavour," my parents said at the same time as they pull away from the hug then he looks over at me

"and who do we have here," he says walking over to me

"hello Endeavour, I'm y/n it's a polisher to meet you," I say putting my hand out for him to shake it

"well y/n it's a polisher to meet you too," he says shaking my hand

"dear would you mind going to get Shoto so miss l/n has someone to talk to," Endeavour says turning to his wife she shake a little when he started talking to her like she was scared of him but she went off when she came back she had a little boy with her 'really another boy' you mumble under your breath

" hi I'm Shoto Todoroki," he says

"hi I'm y/n l/n," I say he starts to steer into my e/c eyes

"you have an odd eye colour," he said 'who can say that with confidants what is this guy made of stone' I think a few hours went by filled with talking and playing around but before we let I gave Todoroki a hug but he just stood there like a brick wall

thunderstorm  (Todoroki x Deku x Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now