New Heights

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"Wait, where are we going?" Lee blinked owlishly.

"The Empire State Building!" Peter grinned. "My mom gets discounts through her union, so we can all go!"

Lee swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched the rest of their friends cheer.

"Oh, this is gonna be awesome!" Danny exclaimed. Josh nodded in agreement.

"I've always wanted to go there."

Peter threw an arm around both of them, shoving them towards the door. "Get in the car, doofuses."

Lee hesitated, unsure of what to do. Peter glanced at him.

"Lee? Something wrong?"

Lee faked a smile, shaking his head. "No, nothing's wrong. Sorry, I'm just a little tired."

Peter nodded. "If you're sure. C'mon!"


When they got to the Empire State Building, Lee almost choked. His entire being was screaming what the fuck?! at him, but he was too embarrassed to voice these thoughts to his friends. Plus, they were all so excited; he wouldn't want them to have wasted this whole trip just because he was being a scaredy cat.

"Lee, are you sure you're all right? You look pale." Peter frowned at the blonde boy. Lee blinked a few too many times.

"Y-Yeah. No worries." He smiled again, but this one was much less convincing. Peter seemed to put two and two together as they walked into the lobby.

"Are you afraid of heights?" he asked softly, not a hint of teasing in his voice. Lee winced, hands balling into fists in his pockets.

"No." He stared at his shoes. Peter linked his arm through the other's.

"It's okay. I'm right here."

Lee was surprised at how much those few words seemed to calm his nerves.

However, that sense of security was soon replaced with dread as they boarded the elevator. Lee watched as the numbers went up and up and up.

"Hey," Peter mumbled. "If you really don't want to do this, we can always go back down."

Lee shook his head. "I-I'll be okay,"

Peter looked like he wanted to argue, but then the lift doors were opening and they were forced to walk out onto the 40th floor.

Lee's breath caught in his throat as his eyes saw the city below them. Josh and Danny had already rushed ahead, staring in awe out the windows. Lee didn't feel sick really, but he was scared out of his mind.

Peter held on tightly to Lee's hand. "I'm right here, Lee."

"I'm okay, it's okay," he said, mostly to himself. Peter nodded, placing a gentle kiss on Lee's cheek.

"You're doing great, baby."

Lee's brain couldn't even register the pet name; it was in hyperdrive, trying to figure out what in God's name Lee was doing so high up and how to get the fuck out of this situation.

Fight or flight at its finest, Lee thought bitterly.

"Lee! Peter! Come here, you have got to see this view!" Josh's voice called. Lee tensed, and Peter had to react quickly.

"We'll see it soon enough!"

Danny laughed. "They just wanna be left alone, the lovebirds."

How dare they have the audacity to laugh when we're God-knows-how-high above the ground and about to be even fucking higher up, Lee's brain spat. Lee shook his head.

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