Chapter 1: The Problem

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JJ's Point Of View:

I followed Hotch to the front desk of the Hotel where he began to speak to the receptionist.

"Hello i'm Aaron Hotchner, I booked six rooms under my name" He had his professional voice on. The receptionist smiled and began to type into her computer, her smile quickly faded.

"Uh- Mr. Hotchner, there seems to be a problem..." The receptionist's face turned bright red.

"What's the problem?" His voice started to sound annoyed, the lady bit at her lip anxiously.

"You said six, but there are only three..." She trailed off nervously, Hotch sighed in annoyance.

"Alright, that is fine for now" Hotch gave in, he was too tired to protest. Hotch and I walked back to the group, i rubbed my eyes sleep was catching up with me.

"There has been a minor issue" Hotch began

"There are only three rooms, so we need to pair up, this will give us all the opportunity to work more" Hotch finished.

"So should we just pair up with the person we were with today?" Morgan asked as he gave Emily a sly smile. Hotch ran it over in his head quickly analyzing what Morgan said.

"Yes, that way we can all work on what each of us were assigned to do today." Hotch answered trying to hold back his tired yawn.


I couldn't contain my smile, I was staying in the same room as Spence. I laughed at myself. 'He doesnt even like me' I thought. I walked into the room, there were two beds and one bathroom. Spence sat on the first bed he was eyeing me, which made me wonder what was he thinking about?

"Hey JJ" he stood up and walked towards me, my smile was quickly turned into a frown when i smelt an over coming smell of alcohol.

"Hi" I quickly walked passed him and started to unpack my bag. Spence drinking? I was shocked, I closed my eyes trying to forget what I had just witnessed, I knew he was having difficulties with trying to cope with his emotions but I didnt know that it was this bad.

"Hey um, Spence?" I turned around quickly making eye contact with him, I could see pain flash in his eyes.

"Yeah?" He answered, he came closer to me and I could smell it again. I tried to back up as much as i could without alarming him.

"How have you been? You know since all that has happned...?" I tried not to think about the flesh eating dogs that almost killed me.

"im... okay." His eyes wandered down to the floor, I knew he was lying.

"Good, i'm glad to hear that." Somewhere deep down, I could tell he wanted to tell me.

"So... Um im going to go take a shower" He quickly walked away before I could question him any further. It all started to make sense now, he had been acting up latley towards anyone who tried to be nice to him, including myself.


I tried to distract myself by turning on the tv which didnt help when i saw that our murder investegation was all over national television.

"Fuck!" I cursed loudly, anger built inside me. Who the fuck got this information? I fumbled for my phone, I needed to call Hotch.

"JJ its late please can't this wait" He sounded extreamly frusterated, I sighed deeply trying to keep my anger from exploding.

"Our case is all over national news Aaron" He groaned loudly, I heard the shower turn off and seconds later the bathroom door opened. Spence came out with only a towel wrapped around his lower body, my body felt weak seeing him like that. Hotch's voice snapped me out of it.

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