does anyone ever feeling like they actually don't matter? like you just wanna sit in a dark room and cry until your eyes are blood shot and you stare emotionless at the wall until you decide to climb into bed and stare into whatever space you float into until you pass out. where you don't feel happy but not sad either. just alive. living day by day,breath by breath ; wondering why the hell you get out of bed in the morning anyway just to be thrown down the same shit again and again. to wake up to the same dysfunctional shit you went to sleep to. the dread of having to open your eyes to the sun shining and the birds chirping because you know you have to start the same day over. sometimes i wish i was bird,never stay in one place and i could leave whenever. i could be so free. but i'm not a bird. i'm a sad human being dealing with the stupid fucks in the goddamn world. and isn't even worse when half those people are family and you sit here and wonder why the fuck you are here because they obviously don't care but yet,day by day, breath by breath, we wake up to the sun shining and the birds chirping...what a sad sick cruel world we live in...