Movie night..ish

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  It was almost 3am. I was in my bed sleeping until I heard my phone ring. I opened my eyes and saw that Jc was calling. I picked my phone up and answered. "Heyy y/n" "Hey Jc, what's up?" I said tiredly. "Were you sleeping?" Jc asked. "Kinda yeah." you giggled. "Ah. Sorry. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come over to my place. Kian is here and he wanted you to come over and watch a movie." "JC!" You hear Kian in the background. You smiled and laughed to yourself as you heard Jc laughing on the other line. "You guys good?" I asked laughing. "What's that? Oh yeah" Jc laughed "So you up for a movie with Kian?... OW! KIAN!" "Yeah sure" I was laughing. 

  "Awesome. Come whenever, the door is open." "Alright thanks," I said hanging up. "OMG.. Kian wants me to come over?" I thought. "Im gonna shit myself the whole time." I got up. Yes I'm going to Jc's place at now 3am to watch a movie with Kian. "He's wack for wanting to hang with me but aight." I thought. I put on a shirt, joggers and shoes, grabbed my phone and texted Jc that I was on my way. I walked out my front door and drove myself there.

  I got there, got out of my car and walked to his door. I knocked on the door and I heard Kian yell at Jc while Jc was laughing. I was laughing at what he was saying. I heard steps coming to the door. It opened and Jc was standing there. "y/n!" He hugged me and backed away letting me in. I walked in and saw Kian shirtless sitting on a chair in Jc's kitchen. I blushed a bit. Hey, he's hot okay. 

  Kian whipped his head around and smiled when he saw me. He got up from his seat and walked toward me. He gave me a big hug rocking up back and forth. He acted like he hadn't seen me in years lmao. "Okay love birds, what movie do y'all wanna watch? We got scary, comedy and that's about it." I laughed suggesting horror. "Sounds good," Jc said putting in a scary movie. It should be fine because scary movies don't phase me. Me and Kian went to sit on the couch while Jc went to get snacks and drinks. "So.." Kian said sitting next to me putting his arm behind me resting on the couch.  I looked up at him smiling "So.." I said mocking him. "By the way, Jc was right. I did want you to come over." He said chuckling. "Is that so?," I smiled being sarcastic. 

  He looked into my eyes for a while. He was about to say something but Jc walked in with snacks and drinks. "Aight I'm back. Kian stop tryna get into her pants on my couch." I started laughing and Kian smiled but gave Jc a death glare. Jc put the food on the table. "So, I'm going out with Chelsea and you two will have fun." Jc said smiling at Kian. "Huh?" I said. Kian squinted at Jc and shook his head slowly. "Bye guys!" Jc went out the door. "Well." Kian said. I giggled "That was unexpected." "Yeah It was." Kian said looking in my eyes.

  He bit his lip looking into my eyes. *CRASH* We both jumped so high. We forgot about the movie. We both started laughing. We focused on the movie for a while. At this point my head was laying on Kian's chest and his arms were around me sitting on the couch. "y/n?" I looked up at Kian. "You're beautiful." My heart stopped. "WOAH WHAT?" I thought. I smiled and so did Kian. 'I mean it. I know this sounds cliche but every time I'm around you I get so nervous, excited and I start shaking. You have no idea what you do to me y/n," I looked him in the eye and said "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." His smiled grew 10 times bigger. He leaned in and I felt his soft lips on mine. "So," he said pulling away. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." I said not even letting him finish. He smiled real big and smashed his lips on mine.

  The kiss got heated and we started making out. Lets just say that night/morning was brought back to Kian's place ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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