All The Time

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Life is so short. That's why being Chronokinetic so awesome. The power to slow down, speed up, and (if you are powerful enough) completely stop time! I stand in front of a mirror. I have literally all the time in the world to get ready. My curly light purple hair is all tangled up. I grab my brush and start brushing it. My hair goes a few inches past my shoulders and it's kinda curly. I put it up in a ponytail, My eyes are green and my skin is really pale, Im rather short and chubby for my age I guess. I have a few freckles on my face. My emerald green eyes glow a little from the use of my powers. I change into some shorts and a black tank top. I have light purple stockings on and have black flats on. I look in the mirror satisfied with how I look.

I go and lay on my couch, I should probably introduce myself now.My name is Cassiopeia Brooke. I go by Cass though. Cassiopeia is a constellation, It's named after a Queen in greek mythology, She was a vain queen who would always boast about how beautiful she was. Not the best things to be named after but whatever. It's a pretty name.

I'm going to meet up with an old friend at a cafe soon, We agreed on 9:30. I check the time- Crap it's 9:23. I have time. I always do. I stand up and walk over to my window freezing time, Everyone is frozen in time, Well almost frozen. They move extremely slow. It's kinda funny to see some of the chaos, Such as a guy is tripping and his coffee is spilling on someone...Actually that's really bad...I shouldn't interfere with it though. I really wish I could, I would be able to do so much more good in the world but there's a ton of consequences that comes with interfering. If I did I would probably cause destruction and chaos or something like that.

I walk out of my apartment complex and down to the streets, There's a lot of people. Probably heading to work and other things. People who look rushed, Tired, Angry, Happy, all sorts of emotions. I see someone moving though...That shouldn't be happening, Are my powers failing? "Hey!" I yell through the crowd moving around the frozen people trying to get to the person I see moving, They're in a black hoodie and I can't see their face. The person turns around seeing me and start running away.

I chase after them navigating through the people. It's like a maze, A maze that if I accidentally touch anyone something bad is sure to happen. I feel the energy draining from my body more and more, I'm overusing my power. I keep chasing them despite feeling weaker by the second. They look back at me every few seconds to see if I'm still following. Time abruptly starts again and I collapse. Feeling the rest of my energy drain my vision goes dark

I wake up on a bed, The sheets are dark blue. I'm in a bedroom, The walls are black and there's a single window with dark blue curtains. The hooded person is sitting at the foot of the bed, their hood still on and their back is facing me. I try to sit up but feel light headed when I try to so I stay laying down. "Get back down, You passed out and hit the ground pretty hard heh" It's a female voice, Its deeper and calming almost. They stand up and walk over to me. She takes off her hood to the oversized black hoodie. She has short straight dark green hair and silver eyes, Her skin is tdark and she has skull earrings. Her jeans are dark blue and have big holes on the knees. Her body is tall and thin.

"How did you-" I start, "There's so many other Chronokinetics than you, You do realize that?" She says before I can finish my sentence her tone is harsh. "Yes I know that" I try and sit up again, She gently places a hand on my shoulder. "Stay down and rest, You really overused your power, enough for it to make you collapse" She sighs. "Well maybe if you didn't start running away..." My head hurts a lot. "Maybe if you didn't- Ugh it's not worth it" She sits on the edge of the bed looking at me, "You're really something, What's your name?" She smiles a bit, "...It's kinda a weird name..." i look down, Plus I don't want to give a complete stranger with my same power my name but she did kinda save me so I guess I should tell her. "I won't laugh" She promises, "Cassiopeia" I say, "That's an...interesting name, can I call you Cassie?" She asks, "No, Just call me Cass like everyone else does" I sigh, "I still like Cassie better~" She says with a smirk.

"What's your name?" I ignore her remark, "Dawn, Cassiopeia is a constellation right?" Dawn looks at me, "Yeah" I sigh. "I'll get you some water" She stands up, "Thanks" I smile a bit, "No problem" She says as she walks out of the room. I stand up, It makes me kind of dizzy. I walk over to the window and look out it, I don't recognize this area meaning she carried me far. Kinda embarrassing but she might have paused time then brought me here...And if she didn't pause time...I feel my cheeks go a bit warm from blushing.

I hear the door open and turn around, "I thought I told you to rest" She sighs and walks over to me, "You did, But I'm stubborn" I laugh. She hands me a cup of water, "Just drink" She closes the blinds, I drink the water. "Where are we?" I ask, "My house, Its in more of the exterior of the city" Dawn explains leaning against a bookshelf. "I see...Did you..Pause...time when you brought me here because well I'm assuming that you had carried me and that's kinda-" Dawn just laughs, "A bit worked up about that? No, I didn't pause time on the way here. That would've taken so much energy" She looks at the ceiling which is decorated in glow in the dark star stickers, A faint smile on her face. Her silver eyes sparkle even in the dim room. I find myself staring at her.

She stifles a laugh looking over at me, "Staring is rude you know?" I feel my face go bright red. "S-S-Sorry I just-!" She laughs more, "I'm teasing, Don't worry about it Cassie." Dawn smirks. I nod the blushing lingering on my face. Ah I'm gonna get have to get used to being Cassie because it seem like she's not going to stop calling me it. She walks over to me and touches my cheek leaning towards my face, "You're pretty cute~" She says a smirk on her face but it fades as a ringtone goes off. She sighs stepping back and taking out her phone, the light in her eyes fades when she looks at it. "Hey. Yeah yeah.... give me like ten minutes and I'll be there. See ya" She hangs up and looks at me, "It's been nice meeting you but I gotta go so I guess this is goodbye for now" She smiles a bit at me.

"Oh uhm, I can give you my number if you ever want to hang out or something, You seem really cool and I want to get to know you!" I smile, She chuckles, "Alright.." She takes a notebook from her bookshelf and a pencil, She writes her own number and tears it out handing it to me. I write my own and give it to her. "See you around Dawn.." She shows me out the door, "Yeah, See ya Cassie" She smirks. I walk out of the place what was I even doing before this again..? OH NO JACOB! I check the time, 10:34....It's been an hour... Plus 16 message notifications. He's gonna kill me oh god. I rush to the cafe, I can't slow time right now ugh. I get there and he's sitting outside by the door. "Took you long enough Cass".


 Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked this first part!

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