The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Watty Awards 2012)

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&$- I've edited again and changed some things so tell me if you see any mistakes. Please vote and comment. Oh and also please share

16. My life was finally starting, or so I thought. I had everything I could ever want. Friends, a loving family. My life had only just begun...

I woke up that morning feeling fresh and awake. I slid on my tattered, old Nike running shorts and my under armor tennis shoes and set out on my normal morning run. Except today was different. It was my birthday and I decided that I would set out on a different route. My feet lifted gracefully off the rocky pavement. Running came naturally to me. My morning runs had become part of me. I was the track and cross country star at my school. But none of that seemed to matter anymore.

My heart was just getting to the right pumping sound that was like music to my ears. Ba-boom. Ba-boom. But when I glanced up my heart felt like it stopped. I tried to turn around and run, but it was useless. The red vehicle was moving to fast for me to even try to run away. It came at me flying onto the once smooth sidewalk. Everything was in slow motion. The car came roaring towards me. The driver had her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth wide open. From what I could tell she was screaming at the top of her lungs. The impact knocked me hard and I let out a yelp of pain. I felt strong, warm, hands wrap around me and caress my face. The last thing I remember was a soft pair of lips brisk across my forehead making my skin tingle.

The pain was too much for me to bear. I wouldn't dare open my eyes. I feared that if I did I would be in an unknown place. Such as Heaven. Not that I didn't want to see its glory, I just was to young to have left the beautiful world I called home. When I finally gave in and peeked out through my right eye I saw a white room with a woman and man crying and hugging each other. Who were they? Why were they sitting in the room with me. Umm Stalker much? But then I looked over and saw a guy sitting there rocking back and forth nervously as tears streamed down his face. His dark brown hair swept across his nice tan face. I wanted to go wipe his tears and tell him that everything would be fine. But I couldn't. I was trapped in this bed. I was beginning to get frustrated as I tried to wriggle free from the beds straps. I was stuck in a weird place with people I didn't know and strapped down to the bed. I was starting to have the feeling that I had been kidnapped. But why we're these people crying if I had been kidnapped.

The woman looked up and let out a screech of joy. She flew to my side and began talking to me. I completely zoned out because the woman was starting to give me the creeps. I didn't know who she was and she was hugging me and giving me kisses on the forehead and well talking to me. I was scared for my life. Was this some kind of sick joke? Why were they staring at me smiling and acting like I just did a miracle? These people were scaring the living day lights out of me! I started to feel so scared that I opened my mouth and let out a blood curling scream. No way on earth would these people mess with me! The woman jumped and ran over to the man and started crying again. Seriously why the heck were these people crying? It was annoying me to no end. I was about to open my mouth to start telling them off when I heard a beep and I began to feel really drowsy. Wow. When did I get so tired? I drifted off into a sweet slumber.

A purple unicorn came up to me and sang me a sweet lullaby. Then he pushed me into a huge yellow brick house. Colorful bubbles floated around us inside. I was giggling as we walked through a round door. My mind feeling light and funny. A green zebra came up to me and asked me to dance with him. We danced around the rainbow colored room. We spun around and around and around and around and around and around.....

A jolt shot through my body.

"Ouch!" my mind screamed.

Another jolt and my eyes shot open. It was bright and so white. I must be dead. I must be in Heaven.

"God?" I called aloud.

"Honey, your not in Heaven. You're in the hospital" a tan woman told me bluntly.

What? No I'm in Heaven! I've got to be! Right? I sighed realizing that she was right. I'm not in Heaven.


Dark brown eyes were staring at me when I woke up that next morning. He had brown hair that was carefully swept across his face. His skin was tan and smooth. His face was hopeful and bright.

"Hey," he whispered in a voice that made me heartbeat speed up.

"Hi," I forced out. My throat was so dry. It hurt and it was so sore.

"Do you want something to drink? We have you some water right over here." He reached over and grabbed a styrofoam cup.

"Please," I whispered dryly.

I drank the whole cup in minutes. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I turned to ask him who he was and why he thought he could kiss me, even though the kiss shot jolts through my body, but my body stung and I grasped the bed and yelled. Another person dressed in a white coat walked in my room. Two people that I recognized stood behind him. Their faces were red and puffy. He walked over to me and handed me a button that was lit up red.

"Push this red button when your in pain, it might make you feel loopy,but you won't be in pain." I nodded and pushed the red button that turned off to a clear button. My head began to feel light and I started giggling. The man in the white coat chuckled and walked out of the room.

"She's gonna be fine!" he called out.

The man and woman smiled and ran to the side of my bed. I was getting so annoyed with these people that I started to ball it up into a fist and began to lift it. I mean, who did they think they were? Right as I began to swing it the mysterious hot boy ran to my side and put his hand over my fist. This small touch sent shock waves through my body. The only thing that made me stop thinking about the amazing sparks was the stinkin' woman that started to talk to me. Seriously! Can she get anymore annoying?

" Oh honey!" the woman cried out, " I'm so glad your okay!"

I nodded. It was about the only thing I could do without feeling the need to punch her.

"Is there anything you want?" she asked.

I nodded.

"I want to see myself," I said serious, annoyance tugging at my voice.

She froze.

"I'm not sure that's a great idea, honey." the man mumbled.

"Why?" I asked frustrated.

"It's just not." he said.

I pouted. It wasn't fair. These two people made me so mad. If you were going to kidnap me at least let me see myself in the mirror.

"Let her see herself," the boy, that looked around my age, said with rage.. He walked over to a mirror and grabbed it. He stood at the foot of my bed with it. My heart stopped.

I saw a cast all the way down my right arm. Black and blue marks covered my chest and face. My right leg was covered in a white cast. My left leg stopped short at my knee. I shook my head. This wasn't right.

"No, no, no, no, no!! How will I run? NO! This is a sick joke! It has to be!" I cried. "You! How could you! When I see some type of phone or anything I can use, I'm calling the cops on you two kidnappers!"

The boy walked over to me and grabbed my left hand and smoothed my brown hair with his open hand.

I sat in the bed and silently cried. The man and woman stood at the end of my bed crying and hugging. Half of my leg was taken and I didn't even know it. Thanks to these freaks standing at the end of my bed. My life was ruined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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