Chapter Two: Hello, Saturday

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             Finally. Today was the day. James packed a couple of outfits in a bag. He knew accidents happen. He wanted to be prepared. How could he explain an accident to his father, who's a cop? James was never a fantastic liar either. Trying to lie to a cop, let alone his father would be torturous.

             Nine o'clock. It was time to go to the party. Hours passed during James' time looking in the mirror. He was trying to be on his best appearance. He knew popularity had correlation with looks these days. He grabbed a shirt that made him look muscular before heading out to the party. He took his beat up, old car that his dad had just gotten him and drove to Aidan's house. He was a little nervous. He sat in his car. He looked at all of the shadows being cast by party-goers on the rain-damped lawn. He had thoughts of leaving before he even went in. Maybe his fears were getting the best of him. Maybe this would be the party of his life. He had to find out. James stepped out of his beat up Toyota Camry and knocked on the door. He awaited an answer. Stumbling across the floor, and flinging open the door, was a semi-buzzed Aidan. He looked as if he was having the time of his life. He took James' arm, pulling him in. He directed him to the couch. Aidan handed James a bottle of vodka. James had never tried alcohol before. He was an innocent kid. He had to be. He took a swig, and made a sour face. Aidan laughed hysterically. "Keep drinking. It gets easier after a while." Aidan nearly shouted. James raised a brow and shrugged. Swig after swig, Aidan's last words blurred into one. The world seemed to look odd to James. He finally made his way to the popular kids. They immediately took a liking to him. That was what James was after. He'd finally done it. People knew his name. He met the football team. The star quarterback personally invited him to join the team. Filled with joy, he made his way upstairs to be alone. Stumbling up the stairs, he made his way to a door. He slightly cracked it open and saw Aidan making out with the popular cheerleader, Molly. Attempting to quietly close the door again, it squeaked as it shut, and Molly went storming out. Aidan was disappointed. James quietly walked in the room. "Man, I'm so sorry. I cracked open the door to see if anyone was in here and I accidentally disturbed you guys." Said James, breaking the silence. Aidan remained turned the other way, facing a wall. James sat next to the boy. He placed his hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to ruin anything. I really didn't." Exclaimed James. Aidan turned towards James and looked him in the eyes without saying a word. Aidan slowly leaned towards James and placed a soft and tender kiss on his lips. James didn't know how to feel about this. He had never been kissed before, let alone, by a guy. James quickly kissed him back. The two gave each other deviant looks. They both began taking their shirts off. James leaned Aidan over and began kissing his lips again. The two got no further, when suddenly James fell off the bed and passed out. Aiden soon blacked out as well.

                 Sunday. The sabbath day. The day of God. Yet what little James remembered, he knew something ungodly happened that night. Aidan did as well. After the two woke up, they looked embarrassingly into each-others' eyes as if they had something to say, yet were reluctant to do so. James stood up from the ground, grabbed his shirt, and walked out of the room. He made his way down the stairs, into the living room. There was a girl there. James felt like he'd seen her before. He couldn't quite put a finger on where he'd seen her. Everything was a little hazy for him still. "James! I didn't know you party! Also, you aren't wearing a shirt. Hayley, by the way," said the brown-haired girl. She had radiant hazel eyes. Anyone could get lost in them. "...Yeah, sorry. Still a little fuzzy from the drinks." James muttered, putting on his shirt and wiping his eyes. "You want to hang out? We should grab coffee or go to the diner sometime. Call me." She added with a luminous smile. One that no one could forget. One of those smiles that shows the true friendliness of someone. "That sounds good. Hey, I got to get home. My dad is expecting me to go to church. Please excuse me." He nodded to her before making his way to his car.

            James parked in his driveway. He got dressed in his church clothes that he packed earlier, and made his way to the house. His father came out and started walking to his running car. "Hey kiddo. Let's go to church." He smiled at his son. "Yes sir." James murmured, hopping into the passenger seat of his father's car. "How was your night, bud?" He looked over at James. James looked over at his father tiredly. "I stayed up too late playing video games. I'm tired." James managed to escape from his mouth. "Is that so? Just go ahead and go to bed, buddy. After church I have something to tell you." That was all he needed to say. James did not need for him to say another word. He effortlessly exited the car and entered the house, climbing the stairs and flopping down on his bed. He fell into a deep, deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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