"What's your hair type?"

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To answer this question theres many factors to consider: Length, curl pattern, porosity, the overall health of your hair, etc.

1. Length: is usually generalized as short, mid-length and long. But its so much deeper than that! Short includes lengths from fresh out of big chop, to not quite shoulder length. Mid-length includes shoulder length, armpit/bra strap length, to nipple length. And long includes waist length, hip length and beyond. I personally like to take note of my length in its curly state as well as its stretched out length separately because if I'm doing a curly style I know what to expect vs when I straighten my hair.

2. Curl Pattern: Its really rare to have just one curl pattern. Different sections of your hair usually have different curl patterns, most people have a combination of maybe 2 or 3. Curl patterns are categorized: 2A, 2B, 2C , 3A , 3B , 3C , 4A , 4B, 4C. 4C being the tightest curls on this spectrum. Remember, having tighter curls is not a negative trait! All curls are beautiful!! Your curl pattern is determined by how your hair looks wet with no product! (Products can alter how your curls appear!)

 Remember, having tighter curls is not a negative trait! All curls are beautiful!! Your curl pattern is determined by how your hair looks wet with no product! (Products can alter how your curls appear!)

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3. Porosity: is how well your hair absorbs moisture.  Low porosity hair has the most difficulty absorbing moisture, where as high porosity hair allows moisture to pass through easily. You can determine your porosity level using these test.
a) The Float Test: Take a strand of CLEAN hair and place it in a cup of water. If it floats= low porosity, sinks = high porosity , and in between = medium.
b) Slide Test: Slide your finger up a strand of hair (towards your scalp), if you feel bumps along the way = low porosity, if its a smooth slide = high porosity.
c) Water Droplet Test: Spray CLEAN hair with water , if the water droplets bead up on your hair = low porosity, if it absorbs quickly = high porosity, if it absorbs after a few moments = medium.

4. Health: Chemicals, Heat damage, split ends, dryness etc can effect how your hair looks and reacts to products and styles. Its important to  keep your hair moisturized, trimmed and free of unnecessary heat & chemicals to protect it.

My hair is usually between neck & shoulder length when curly, and armpit/bra strap length when stretched (not straightened). My curl pattern is 3C/4A. I'm pretty sure I have medium porosity hair (I haven't checked in a while so I'll update next time my hair is clean). And my hair is healthy & happy :) (No chemical damage, no heat damage, no split ends or anything of the sort.)

(I'm only gonna be committed and active if you guys are.. so comments are greatly appreciated).

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