Chapter 31

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Hannahs POV

The first thing that entered my mind when we arrived was 'Wow, this is awesome' The next this was 'oh my god!' There were fans everywhere. Like, everywhere I looked there was a group of fans. "Alright girls, outta the way." Paul said. 

With some pushing and shoving the boys and I made it out of the airport. Once we were on the road I started soaking in the sights. 

"Enjoying yourself?" I turned to Harry a smile on my face.

"Oh yeah. I feel like I should be singing New York New York." I got a laugh from the boys. "Oh! Do you think this is New York or New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York?" All i got was stares.

" Doctor Who?" Still confused faces.

"No. Come on guys youre british! It's a british show! You know, The Doctor? Timelord? David Tennant? Matt Smith?" I sighed and facepalmed.

"I have so much to teach you. And with that, I divulged into a long explination of the show Doctor Who.


ok, so i know this is an excuse you guys have heard many times so im not even gonna say it. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated. I will try to update more. I have a proposition. If you can give me advice or ideas for later chapters, I'll put in a mention, dedication, and your own character for a few chapters. PM me if you'd like to do it. Adios 

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