Chapter 1: The Letter

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Dear Craig Tucker,

When you asked me to be your boyfriend, I was the happiest person who ever lived. Let me just say being your boyfriend was the best thing and the best time that ever happened to me. You taught me so much.

I had loved you since the 7th grade. At first I was confused by this "love" feeling towards you because I had no idea what it was. I didn't know how it felt. I had never loved anyone before.

The thought of being gay scared me to death, I didn't think how I could be gay. Deep down inside when I was a little boy I had always felt different towards... Guys.

I tried to make the feeling I was experiencing for you let me go but it just grew stronger until I let it control me. It scared me so much sometimes I would wake up tossing and turning whispering your name. I was scared to death. Scared of being gay.

Between your crooked smile and your badass tone I have nothing I love best about you. Because I love everything about you. But then I wasn't scared of it anymore I allowed myself to love you. I wasn't scared of you anymore.

I allowed myself to get my heart broken multiple times of you. Because it was who I am. I am Tweek Tweak and I love you Craig Tucker.

The thing is I never in my life thought that you could love such a spaz like me. With all my twitching and my insecurities and my irrational fears. My hair always looking messy ball of frizz and my shy and fearful personality.

When I was in the 3rd grade my parents started giving me lots of caffeinated coffee, this of course caused me to be a spaz violently.

Everyone bullied me for my twitching and at me being unable to stay still and sit normally like everyone else in our class. They said I was "abnormal". Everyone called me the trouble maker of the class. Well at least some people like Stan and Kyle did.

Everyone ignored me, everyone hated me no one was my friend. No One. The only person I had who supported me was you Craig, you were my only friend.

At first the bullying I was experiencing from everyone was only threw words and the glares and snake eyes. This went on until we entered 6th grade then, the bullying became physical. Sometimes I would not come to school in fear of getting my ass kicked again.

My biggest fear back then was that one day you too would turn against me and I would have no one, no one to turn to. I would get beat up causing me to drink more coffee to drink away my sadness and sorrow everyone was inflicting upon me.

Once we got into the 7th grade the bullying got so bad I started to cut myself, I cut my worthless body. Everyone would see my scars and I would get bullied more. I still have marks and scars on my wrist till today. They called me a pussy, saying I only did it for attention.

I remember one night I was cutting my wrists with a blade and then you walked into my bed room. Your expression I will remember until the day I die. Your Icy blue eyes were red and filled with red hot wet tears.

My eyes were filled with tears and I held the blade tightly in my left hand. You came over to me and got the blade out of my hand and carefully put it back in his pocket. I have no idea what you did with it after that. You reached over and hugged me tightly. I cried on your shoulder and you cried on mine.

Dear Craig Tucker {Completed/Being Edited}Where stories live. Discover now