Chapter 15

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"Well done team" Said Morgana smiling

"We arrested the men that were still alive and we've questioned them and have been able to add to the wall" said Dennis happily

"You will be going out to collect them over the next few days" said Morgana calmly

"However due to the recent actions of two of you there will be some changes made to procedure" Morgana glared at Hermione and Alexis

"Before each Mission however small you will be connecting your minds with the Unum potion" Said Dennis

"What why" said Hermione Indignantly

"To ensure you don't go off mission again Miss Granger" Said Morgana sternly

"We did the right thing" said Alexis

"You're both lucky you're not dead" snapped Lina shocking the room with her harshness

"You would have done the same thing" said Hermione

"We would never have left our partners behind" said Penelope angrily standing up to glare at them both

"How can we trust you not to do it again" said Kyron

"What... You don't trust us" said Hermione shocked looking at each member of the unit

"The question is Hermione... Do you trust us to do our job" asked Gideon

"Of course we trust you... absolutely" said Alexis

"Then next time you do your job and leave us to do ours" yelled Lina

"We're sorry we didn't mean to make you feel..." started Hermione

"You think my FEELINGS ARE HURT" she screamed

The others in the room where just as angry with the girls but Lina seemed extra angry and Gideon wasn't doing anything to calm her which was odd.

"I HAD TO WATCH" she screamed again starting to shake with anger

"What" asked Alexis confused and getting irritated that she was being scream at.

"We found the barn when the first lot of girls were taken, we were there when you arrived" said Gideon calmly holding in his anger

"Oh" said Hermione but before she could say anything Lina exploded your anger in a tirade of words

"YEAH OH.........I WAS WATCHING THE WHOLE TIME..... I SAW YOU BOTH BEING SHOVED IN A CAGE ....." Lina turned to Hermione" I SAW YOU BEING DRAGGED OUT ..... I WATCHED AS THEY BEAT YOU...... I HEARD EVERYTHING...... I HAD TO STAND THERE AND WATCH AS THEY TRIED TO RAPE YOU HERMIONE .... AND I COULD DO NOTHING......YOU WERE BLEEDING TO DEATH AND I COULD DO NOTHING....... I WATCHED YOU KILL THOSE MEN AND TAKE A BULLET...."She turned to Alexis "I WATCHED YOUR CAGE SHAKE YOU TO NEAR UNCONSCIOUSNESS....." she looked at them both "I THOUGHT YOU WERE BOTH GOING TO DIE....... AND ALL I COULD DO IS WATCH IT HAPPEN" Tears were streaming down Lina's face with each breath she took to yell again more and more tears came out until she finished and collapsed back onto her chair covering her face with her hands as she sobbed.

Hermione and Alexis were shocked and embarrassed and felt terrible.

Davina went to comfort Lina and Penelope had tears silently rolling down her face and wouldn't look at Hermione and Alexis

"I'm so so sorry all of you" said Hermione tears rolling down her face

"We really didn't think it would be that bad" said Alexis

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