My search

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Do you believe in love? Do you believe in dreams? Do you believe in at least one of those I just mentioned?

Love... It's an unexplainable feeling that gives you different kinds of emotions. It has a lot of definition for every person. It's unique, I guess.

Dreams, it's what you have every time you sleep. Your brain composes scenes that you wanted to happen even with people that you never met or encounter...

And that's where SHE enters. It's not the first time that I dreamt of HER. Maybe a couple times already. But I know that THIS time it's different.

I never dreamt of certain things this past couple of months and when I do, after I woke up I just completely forget about it. But, not this time. I still remember every single details from it. Especially, Her. I must admit it was a very very weird dream and I find it funny because when I woke up I'm expecting to go back to sleep again to continue it but alas, time sucks. Couldn't go back to dreamland anymore and I couldn't be with her any dream soon. Ha ha

I guess all time trying to say is that this GIRL is somehow special to me. She's my dream girl after all. I wanted to find her but where? I wanted to know just everything about her but how? I wanted to do something about it but what? And more questions just keep popping in my head. I've got a hint of she is but it can't be her. She's different from her. So a big NO NO NO for that.

It's never easy to act on something you want. I'm not that person that can easily handles things. But I know this time I have to take the risks. I wanted to find her. Wherever she is I will get there.

My search for her is on. I will find her. I will meet her. And maybe someday we'll be together. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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