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Im sitting with mum.
Grandma comes in.
Mum rushes to her
"Lily! What did she say?".
I look at Grandma
Grandma nods
"She says she will leave".
Mum sighs in relief
She does it too early
Grandma begins
"But... There's a condition".
Mums smile is wiped clean off her face
Mum turns to her
"She wants revenge doesn't she".
Grandma nods.
My grandma bursts into tears
"Im sorry. She knows im sorry!".
Mum holds her.
"I know you are".
Grandma! What are you sorry for?!", I ask
Mum releases her grasp from her mum
She turns to me
"Anne. Tibiae means Flute".
I nod
My mum carries on "And-
"Enough. Dont tell her", Grandma mutters angrily
Mum nods
"I wont".
I moan
"Why not!!".
Grandma is suddenly very angry
She grabs my wrist
"Dont you dare ask anymore questions!!".
I nod and she releases
Mum tells me to go somewhere.
I nod and slip into my trainers and scramble to my feet.
I grab my phone and keys and run out the house.

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