Who's your boyfriend now? (1/2)

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A/N: Hey hey everyone! So the last few episodes of Soy Luna have given me so many ideas for one-shots and have inspired me for my 2 stories.
I should update those first I know.
Howeveeeeer, that Simbar episode last night, because let's face it, it was a Simbar episode, gave this need to write this little piece (two actually).
Hope you like it <3.

Ámbar's POV
The Open Music is over and people start leaving. Some give me the congratulations, saying I had an amazing idea.


Finally, only the participants are still here in Roller, changing into their normal clothes.
I let myself breathe normally, sitting on one of the sofas at the cafeteria. This whole thing was really stressful. Thankfully it ended up being perfect, just like I wanted.

Well, it did have a minor setback like Benicio disappearing when he had to sing. What did he want? To give me a heart attack?

Ámbar... Are you really unhappy with that?

Yes, of course!

What about the whole Simón thing?

Well, thinking like that, I am actually kind of (but only kind of) thankful that Benicio did what he did. Because yes it did result in Simón and I sharing another kiss, which made the Open more perfect than I could imagine...

This is the only thing that prevents me from being totally relaxed and fully happy.

He kissed you...

Only to back away... And come with this stupid thing that I am dating Benicio and bla bla bla!
For God's sake doesn't he see this whole thing is simply an act...
Only Benicio is taking this the wrong way. He has to stop saying I am his girlfriend. Like now!

And he confessed what he feels... He is in love with you, not that Emma girl...

Yet, here I am sitting while watching them hug and congratulate each other...

I roll my eyes and hold my head between my hands. I really need to process this whole thing... What it meant, what it changed...

You're dating Benicio. That's the problem... Emma is a free bird...

I. Am. Not. Dating. Benicio!
It a complete act! It was only for our image as Red Sharks or whatever... And it didn't even work out.

Simón thinks you are...

Well, I told him I am not. And once again he had to be the best guy in the world and not want to hurt Benicio. Who he doesn't even like and most probably wants to see in hell. But noooo, he had to kiss me, confess his feelings only to leave me because of Benicio.
This has to be a joke. Like literally...

You also kissed Benicio in the park...

Ughh... Stop conscience! I know I kissed him thank you very much...
But it wasn't a meaningful thing. It had no emotions or any of that involved.

I kissed him because I was feeling sad about the Festival and he was there for me, and I like his ideas to change things... Okay, his evil plans and all that... But that was it.

Which makes me remember I have to admit this thing to Luna.
Well, it will have to be another day. After what just happened, I just can't deal with this.

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