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My feet shuffled as I lazily walked the perimeter of my cell. One hand dragging along the wall, my head low, I let my long, bronze-colored hair hide my face and my view of the cement floor and walls. The sound of metal scraping metal disturbed the quiet.

"Dinner, Winnie.", came the voice of Captain Griggs.

He slid a small tray onto the ledge where the little peeping door was. I made my way over to the door and looked at the water, bread, and brown stew that was on the tray. I grabbed the tray and went over to my cot, sitting down on the stretched canvas. I ate it slowly, trying to make the best of it. Thirty minutes later, I took the tray back over to the door and placed it on the ledge.

I willed myself invisible and went to my cot, laying down. I watched the clocks on my wall tick and tock, counting the seconds and minutes. Soon, the noise lulled me to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my metal door being slammed open. Guards and Captain Griggs came into the cell in full body armor. I became visible and stood from the cot, curious and a little worried about what was happening. I fully cooperated as they strapped me to a dolly-like thing and rolled me out and away from the cell. I had learned long ago that it was pointless to fight.

I had long-since stopped fighting. I winced slightly and shut my eyes tightly as I was injected with a device, then pushed out into the bright outdoors.

"Alpha, Bravo team. On me.", came an order from a man.

 "Unlock 'em.", he said.

 I was soon unstrapped and guards were positioned around me.

"Hi, boys! Harley Quinn. How do you do?", a female voice said.

Once the guard directly in front of me had moved, I was pushed forward slightly. I saw a woman with white blond hair, pale skin, and tattoos a few feet away, stretching and looking around. There was a man with dark skin on the other side of me in an orange jumpsuit.

"Huh? What was that? I need to kill everybody and escape?", the woman suddenly asked out lout, causing the guards to tense and look around.

"Sorry. It's the voices.", she said after a moment.

I shrunk and backed up a little.

"I'm kidding! Jeez! That's not what they really said.", she said, smiling.

I looked around more and gasped when I saw a tall, scaly creature. It growled at me, causing me to gulp and quickly look away. 

"Welcome to the party, Captain Boomerang.", the man said, cutting open a bag.

 An angry man popped out and punched one of the guards, causing the man to force him against a vehicle. I zoned out and avoided eye contact with everyone, looking down at my shoes.

"Listen up! In your necks, the injection you got, it's a nanite explosive. It's the size of a rice grain, but as powerful as a hand-grenade.", the man said, looking around.

"You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die."

The blond woman's hand shot up.

"I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you."

"Lady, shut up!", the man yelled at her.

She dropped her hand with a pout.

"This is the deal: we're going somewhere very bad. To do somethin' that'll getcha killed. So, until that happens, you're my problem."

"So, what was that? Like a pep talk?", the dark-skinned man asked.

"Yeah, that was a pep talk. There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in ten."

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You ever hear of Phil Jackson?", the dark skin man asked.


"He's like Gold Standard. Triangle, bitch. Study."

I moved over to the box with my name on it with the guards still surrounding me. Opening the box, I was met with my old outfit from years ago. My throat closed as unpleasant memories swarmed my mind. The guards turned, facing outwards to give me some privacy, and to block the others from seeing me. I took off my orange clothing and switched it out for my corseted white tunic blouse, black leather pants, and my heeled boots.

I carefully picked up my belt and put it on, along with my cloak. I slid my guns into the holsters that hung from the belt before tucking all of my throwing knives into their places on the inside of my cloak. At the bottom of the box, my cross necklace sat, covered in a thick layer of dust. I wiped the silver clean and hung it around my neck, dropping it under my cloak, and bringing my hood up. the pocket watch that hung from my cloak still ticked away, soothing my frazzled nerves.

The guards took a step back when I was finished.

"Behold the voice of God.", the man said, holding up a tablet.

"For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. There is an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety.", a woman said, coming on the screen.

"Sorry. For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1?", the dark skinned man asked, raising his hand slightly.

"The only person that matters in that city. The one person you can't kill. Complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, You die. Anything happens to Colonel flag... I'll kill every single one of you. Remember, I'm watching. I see everything."

"There's your pep talk.", Flag said, looking straight at the dark skinned man.

"Now, compared to your shit, she killed it. So that's it? What? We some kinda Suicide Squad?", the dark skinned man said.

"I'll notify your next of kin.", Flag said.

I made sure my hood was over my face, hiding it from everyone's eyes. We all boarded the chopper, the guards drifting away from me. Right before the bird lifted, a woman hopped in.

"You're late." Flag said. She said something back to him in Japanese. The colonel looked at the six of us before speaking.

"This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half of one sword stroke... just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of her victims."

I moved away from everyone, stayed standing, and stared out one of the windows, not moving.

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