A Shoulder to Cry On (an Outsiders fanfic)

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Steve had noticed that his closest friend, Sodapop, had not been acting like his normal cheery self. He was worried. Worried that his friend may never be the same and he'd never know why. Lately Steve was unable to keep Soda off his mind. He knew that he cared for the other boy but this was just weird.

He brushed his thoughts aside and got ready for work. He grab his DX hat and ran out the door and down the street to the Curtis' house. Steve banged on the door before entering.

"Hey Darry, is Soda up?" He asked, noticing that Soda wasn't in the living room.

"Yeah, he's just finishing up a shower." The oldest brother respond. As if on cue, Sodapop entered the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Drops of water dripped from his dark blonde hair and down his golden skin. Steve felt his face get warm.

"Hey Steve," Soda spoke softly, a kind smile spreading across his lips.

"Hey Pepsi-Cola!" Steve beamed, gaining himself a bigger smile from Soda for using his other nickname.

"Hurry up and get dressed so I can get you two to work and outta my house," Darry said. Soda scurried off to his room and returned moments later in his work attire then the three of them went out and got in the car. Once at DX gas station Steve and Soda said goodbye to Darry and automatically got to work.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was now lunch time and the two boys were on break. They sat side-by-side out back of the DX. They ate in silence for what felt like forever. Steve couldn't stand it.

"So Sodapop," he said coolly, "what's been eatin' you?"

"Whaddya mean?" Soda replied without meeting Steve's gaze.

Steve sighed, "You haven't been yourself lately. There's obviously something goin' on that you haven't told me about. I..... I'm worried about you Soda." He put a firm hand on Sodapop's shoulder. Finally, those sparkling, dark chocolate eyes met Steve's.

"Re-remember that letter I sent to Sandy?" Soda stuttered. "She sent it back." His voice crack a bit. This broke Steve's heart.

He knew how much Soda cared for Sandy. He knew he had wanted to spend the rest of his life with that girl. Steve was unable to come up with anything to say so instead he wrapped his arms around his heartbroken friend. To Steve's surprise, Soda buried his face in his shoulder but he didn't cry. He thought for sure that he would have shed at least a few tears.

"Who knew that you'd be the type to lend anyone a shoulder to cry on," Soda chuckled softly into the crook of Steve's neck, hugging him a bit tighter and was now just about sitting on his lap. "I know I'm not actually crying, I'm sorta over it, but I still appreciate the offer."

"'Over it?'" Steve scoffed lightly. "You've been mopin' around for quite some time."

"I did say sorta," Soda retorted with a laugh that lit up the area, and gave Steve a bright smile that was reserved just for him. A smile that broke Steve. He couldn't hide his feelings for the greaser with the movie-star looks any longer. He gently tilted Soda's head up toward him, and kissed him. This caught the middle Curtis brother off guard.

Finally Sodapop replied, moving his silky lips easily against Steve's, and accepting his tongue when it begged for entrance. They broke apart to catch their breath. Soda was the first to speak.

"We need to get back to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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