Chapter 2

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I open the door to my gramps house. I hear my mom and gramps talking. I walk into the kitchen to see them talking.

"Hey Zoe how was training today," my gramps asks.

"Good. Ravens doing well... oh mom can i sleepover at Jades. Me, Becky and jade are having a sleepover".

"Sure just make sure you are back here at 9".

"Why what is happening at 9".

"You'll see it is a suprise," she says walking off. I look at gramps and he shrugs his arms. I walk up to my bedroom and get my stuff to head to 'Jades'. I sit on my bed and watch a bit of Netflix until 6 before i head off to pins. I grab my bag and head down the stairs.

"Ok im off to Jades,"I say walking past my mom and gramps.

"Ok have a good time and be home by"I cut her off.

"Be home by 9 i know mom" i say.

"Ok love you have a good time" i smile and walk off to Pins.

15 minutes later i arrive at Pins house. I walk up the hill and walk to the container that he keeps his sick horses in.

"Hey," i say leaning against the side of the container as i look in at Pin with the horse.

"Hey," he says.

"So what wrong with him".

"He hurt his leg but i have banged it so it should be fine in a few weeks".

"Well, he is gorgeous".

"Like you," he says. I smile at him.

"So what did you mom say".

"She thinks im at Jades with her and Becky having a sleepover and i have to be home at 9".

"What is happening at 9".

"I dont know".

"Well im going to put his cover on and then we can go in the house," he says smiling at me. I smile at him and help him get the horse ready for the night. We finish and go into the house. We get in our PJs and sit on his bed watching TV. We sit there for a while just in silence just holding each other.



"You know i love you and that i will wait for you".

"I know maybe when we are older me and you can go and adventure the world together not just Europe".

"Me and you travel the world".


"I like that idea".

"And this is one of the many reasons why i love you, Zoe Phillips".

"And it's one of the reasons why i love you, Peter Hawthorne,"I say kissing him. The kiss becomes more heated and then what i thought would not happen for a while happened. I lost my virginity.

Zoe and Pin triple troubleWhere stories live. Discover now