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the dress at the top of the page is the one that she's wearing💞

Luna insists on taking me out to buy a dress for the Yule ball. I tell her that I don't want one, but she tells me she'll pay for it and drags me anyway.

We get to Hogsmeade and Luna points out a purple dress. I roll my eyes and nod. "Sure, Yeah. Let's get that one."

"Fleur, sweetie, that's the ugliest dress I've ever seen. I was joking." She says. I sigh.

"Luna, can't we just go home? I don't want any. I'll be fine wearing what I've got." I say. Luna pout.

"No! As your best friend, I am not letting you go to that Ball and dance in front of the whole school with an old dress on. You'll thank me later." She says. I groan and cross my arms. "Cheer up. Hey, that's nice!"

I look over at what she's looking at, and see the most beautiful white dress I've ever seen. It's floor length, made of white chiffon and it has a slit at the side of the skirt. The top is made of lace and it's almost strapless, with just a little bit of lace on the arms holding it up.

I nod and grin. "It's gorgeous." Luna clasps her hands together.

"Yes! I knew you'd love it!" She squeals. She picks up the dress and goes to the cash desk to buy it.

When we leave the shop, she won't tell me how much it was, so I assume that it was expensive.

When we get back to the castle, people are already starting to get ready, and so Luna insists that we start getting ready too. I curl my hair and Luna puts half of it up and then she does my makeup, applying grey and silver eyeshadow to my lids to make them, as she put it, "pop".

When she's finished, I put my dress and shoes on and look in the mirror. I'm never usually self-absorbed, but I think I actually look pretty. Luna looks extremely pleased with her work, but I have to remind her to put on her dress and get ready, as she's still in a hoodie with her hair in a scrunchie.

She quickly pulls on her blue dress and does her hair and makeup. She straightens her hair and puts a few pleats in it, before putting on her shoes and joining me at the door.

We walk down the stairs and out into the corridor. After taking the few flights of stairs down to the Great Hall, Luna goes and joins the line to get into the Hall and I go into the room where all of the champions are gathered.

Cedric has his back to the door and is talking to Harry when I walk in and he doesn't notice me until the door slams behind me.

He turns around and his mouth hangs open as soon as he lays eyes on me. He walks towards me and grins.

As soon as he gets to me, he pulls me into a hug and kisses me. He pulls back and admires my outfit.

"You-you look fantastic. Like, the most amazing girl I've ever seen." He says. He's wearing black and white dress robes and he looks great.

"Not too shabby yourself mate." I laugh. He offers me his arm and we walk back over to where Harry is standing.

"Fleur! You...um...you look-you look nice." Harry says, his face going red.

"Awh, thank you." I say, smiling.

"Alright! Picture time!" Rita Skeeter says. There are a lot of groans from around the room, and she herds us all into a little cluster.

"Okay, Harry, you come right to the front. Oh, and Fleur and Cedric, come forward a bit." We go to the front of the cluster and Rita's eyes widen when she sees me.

"Oh, goodness, you really are small." She says as she positions me just behind Harry.

I shake my head and roll my eyes. Rita Skeeter steps back to look at us all and then clasps her hands, obviously happy wit her work, and tells us all to smile so that the photographer can take the photo.

"Right! Individual pictures now! Cedric and Fleur, you come first." Rita Skeeter says, waving us over.

After a while of Rita taking photos of all of the champions, and making us do utterly ridiculous poses, apart from one that I actually liked, we're finished taking photos.

Dumbledore comes into the room and tells us all to line up. Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger are told to go first, followed by Harry and Parvati Patil, Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies, and then Cedric and I.

"Prepare your feet to be stepped on. I'm not the best at dancing." I say. Cedric grins.

"I know you're not. I'll do most of it anyway, just follow my lead." He says and I nod.

Then Dumbledore tells us to go through to the great hall and for some reason I'm nervous.

"You okay?" Cedric asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I guess I've just never been the centre of attention before." I say.

Cedric squeezes my hand. "You'll be fine. It's just a bit of dancing, love."

"Okay. I love you, Ced." I say. Cedric smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too."

The dancing ends up actually being quite fun, apart from the fact that I stood on Cedrics toes a lot more than once.

When we're finished dancing, music starts playing and Cedric goes and gets us punch.

When he comes back, he takes my hand and we go and dance to the music.

We dance for ages, and the number of people in the hall dwindles down as the night goes on.

Finally, Cedric suggests that we go back up to our dorms, and we do.

All of the boys in Cedric's dorm are out tonight, so we decide to sleep there.

I take my dress and makeup off, and Cedric gives me a hoodie to wear.

I get into bed next to Cedric and he smiles and takes my face in his hands.

He kisses me gently. "Tonight was amazing."

"Agreed." I smile. He wraps an arm around my waist and I lay my head on his chest.

It takes me a while, but I finally fall asleep.

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