Bucket list

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Chapter one...

Megan, Tuesday 26th June 6am

Let me start with a question... Have you ever woke up one day and decided today's the day I'm going to start making changes in my life ? And I mean not small changes like 'I'm going to start eating more healthy' or 'take more exercise' but the bigger things that are going to impact the rest of you existence.

Well today is that day for me. As I'm lay here alone in my king size bed after another restless night of very little sleep I decide today's the day I'm going to start living again and doing things for me.

Been single and in my 30's, having a teenage daughter I wouldn't say it's been hard but let me tell you it's been no walk in the park either, not that she's a difficult child, never has been but for the last 15years all I've been is a mum it's time for me to be a mum and a women. Most people probably don't understand that but I've decided there's something more needed in my life. I love my daughter and no matter how old she is she will always come first but it's time I did something for me.

Now where to begin? I'm in no rush for a relationship after been in such a bad relationship with my daughter Ruby's father for over 10 years I'm in no hurry for a repeat performance and I have gotten used to it been just me and Ruby.

I think back to all the years wasted "The only good thing that came from that train wreck was my girl" Maybe I should start with a new hobby I don't really have hobbies, yes I swim but that's more to keep fit and you can't live by the seaside and not know how to swim but there's nothing else.

I stay lay here for what feels like hours when I look at the clock realise it's only 6am. I don't have to be up for at least another hour so I can make sure Ruby is ready for school but I decide I've had enough of lying here in my own thoughts perhaps if I get a coffee something will come to me, so I roll out of bed and head to the kitchen put the coffee on and head out into the back garden, I love this time of the morning although we don't live in a busy neighbourhood it's so peaceful at this time, I go back into the house to grab that coffee, the house is still silent which means Ruby must still be sleeping glancing at the clock again, I'm sure time stands still at this time 6:13am so with my hot mug of coffee in hand I'm heading back outside onto the patio picking up my mobile on the way so I catch up on some news headlines while enjoying the quiet of the morning.

Coming across a headline straight away that soon catches my attention I've always been interest in submerged forest, I don't know what it is but it fascinates me that these forest and parks or even towns are still standing and even growing when they are completely under water, anyway back to this article it states that a guy in his late 70's has been diving round Lake Kaindy situated in Kazakhstan Central Asia, "soo jealous" I say to myself as I carry on reading, Lake Kaindy is a submerged forest that I've research online quite a bit looking at other people's photos. The guy in the article gave a statement in the statement he says that "this is the last thing on my bucket list now it's time to retire and enjoy what remains of my life with my lovely wife and family."

"Aww that's so sweet" I say aloud to myself, then it comes to me BUCKET LIST starting with learning to dive.

Chapter two...


It's been a week since I decided to make this bucket list and all I have on it at the moment is to learn to dive nothing else has really jumped out at me so after days of searching the internet and many phone calls to different local diving companies I've finally managed to find someone that's willing to give me some lessons that fit in round my busy schedule, they've even offered early morning lessons that might suit me great at the moment as I'm still very restless at night and not sleeping.

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