Chapter 8

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Allison's POV

I have a weird feeling when I wake up. It's between happiness and complete and utter anger. But I'm not sure which one I want to feel. My heart is telling me to go with happiness. But my mind is telling me to go with anger. And like so many other times, I go with my head. Just for the fun of it.

Sitting up, I run a hand through my hair. He said he'd come by today. But when?

Looking in the mirror, my only thought is, Since when did I resemble Medusa?

Seriously. My hair is all over the place. It doesn't look like a bird's nest. It looks like multiple bird nests. I can't even imagine how I've managed to get a brush through it all these years. But then again, this is the only time I have actually cared.

Dragging a brush through my hair for what seems like forever, I finally have it tangle-free and pull it up into a messy bun. If the Alpha's going to be my mate, he's going to have to deal with me and my improper be behaviour.

Pulling on an old T-shirt and sweats, I head down stairs, where unpacked boxes sit and my mother is cooking breakfast in the perfect kitchen.

When she sees me she gasps.

"You aren't going to be wearing that when the Alpha visits, are you?" The disgust is clear in her eyes.

"Yes mom. He's my mate. If he can't accept me in my morning state, then I can't accept him." That was my reply. And it's the truth. But if he, my mate, can't accept me like this, then I'm pretty sure nobody can.

"You're scaring me a bit." She admits, pursing her lips and looking at me like I'm an imposter.

"How so?" I ask. Now, what have I done that's scarier than usual. Let me think about it......nope, nothing.

"Well, for one, you haven't cussed yet. For two, you're so wise all of a sudden. Any particular reason why?" She asks. Well, now this si confusing. Shouldn't parents be encouraging you not to cuss?

"Would you like me to cuss?" I ask her, my eyes shining in amusement.

"Just a few. It'll help me quit worrying." She shrugs. Oh, now this is good. Might as well release all my problems.

"Well, that fucking bastard is ruining my life. It may not be noticeable to you, but to me, hell, it's life changing! Better?" Now, I know most people think that was uncalled for. But to my family, or anyone who's known me long enough, that was me putting it mildly.

"Perfect. Now I'm going to continue cooking breakfast while praying Alp- Jacob, doesn't run out the second he sees you. But at least you had the decency to do your hair. If it wasn't for that, I'm pretty sure you'd be a lost cause." She tells me.

"How insulting..." I mutter, rolling my eyes. But I know she's kidding. For the most part.

We're startled when my brother came running down the stairs, exclaiming, "Good morning everyone! Mom! Sis!" Now. if I didn't know any better I would think he's high. But he's just overly happy.

"What's got you so happy this morning?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't know. My sister is Jacob's mate, and I get the Beta position!" He yells cheekily.

"Selfish Bastard." I glare.

"Hey! I heard that!" Jeremy exclaims, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Just because we got everything off our chests, doesn't mean I'm going to kiss the ground you walk on and praise everything you do. If anything, I'm going to treat you like a little sister should. I'm going to annoy the living shit out of you." I inform him. Yeah, that little moment we had yesterday doesn't change a thing.

Mom went up the stairs, chortling, to go wake dad up and Jeremy just pouted at me. Am I sure I'm the younger sibling?

A knock sounded at the door and I knew I had to beat mom to it or else she would talk off Jacob's ear.

I raced towards the front door, my mother's footsteps coming from the stairs. Luckily, I got there before her. I open the door, and there, in all his perfection, stands Jacob.

When he sees me, his expression brightens and a huge smile comes onto his face. Wow. Was he really that glad to see me?

"Come on in." I motion for him to walk through the door. He isn't just going to stand there smiling like an idiot, is he? But the truth is, I don't mind. And taht's something I will never admit to him. Unless one of us are on our death beds. That's different.

"Oh, Jacob! Thank you for joining us! We're just about to eat breakfast!" Since when did my mother get so cheerful? It kind of offended me. She'll be that cheerful with him, but for me or Jeremy, she just smiles and says things politely. We are a messed up family. Not just Jeremy and I. All of us. I was just scared to admit it.

"Actually, mam, I already ate. We eat early at the pack house." I snort as soon as the words leave his mouth. Everyone moves their gaze to me, my mother, father, and brother looking at me in pity. Jacob is looking at me like he can't believe I snorted. Get used to it pumpkin.

"You are going to be in your own hell, now aren't you?" Jeremy asks.

"I doubt you'd fair any better." I snap at him. But I know he's right. Eat earlier than 10:00? Is his family crazy?

"Why would she be in her own hell?" There it is. There's the infinite concern your mate is supposed to show.

"She loathes getting up early." My mother explains. "Absolutely hates it."

I was expecting Jacob to criticize me, or tell me how much I disgust him. However, I wasn't expecting him to say, "We're perfect for each other."

I'm pretty sure my emotions were written all over my face, because he laughed and kissed my forehead. Well, that wasn't what I was expecting.

"But actually, as much as I love getting to know you, that isn't the only thing I wanted to talk to you about." He looks nervous. Why does he look nervous? I swear to God, if he's telling me that his father as some sort of rare disease and we have to step up to the job tomorrow, I will kill him.

But no. It had to be worse.

"I want you to move into the pack house."

Oh hell no!

Sorry for the crappy chapter. It's 1:15 right now and I am really tired.




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