Come home- Conor Maynard (Requested imagine)

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Y/n= Your name


I sit in living room of our apartment that I lived in with Conor and our two year old son Dylan. You see Conor has been on tour for two months now and he still has another two to go. Dylan and I are missing him more and more everyday, Dylan only being two doesn't really understand why his dad has been gone for so long, he has been crying most days and he is normally a good behaved toddler but I can barely get him down for his names most days or even to do anything for that matter.

I sit on the couch watching Dylan play with his toys as I twirl my wedding band around my finger, thinking about that days when Conor was Home and life was so much easier per say, don't get me wrong I'm happy for Conor that he is touring but at the moment we really need him.

I turn on the TV to see Conor appear, he was in a live interview.

Y/n:" look baby, daddy's on tv" I say pointing to the screen.

Dylan:" daddy" Dylan yells taking his attention away from his toys and walking to the screen.

He reaches up to the screen putting his tiny hand on conor.

Dylan:" why is daddy in the tv" he says turning around.

Y/n:" because daddy's working bub, he will be home soon" I say to Dylan as he walks towards me

Dylan:" but I miss him" he says sad rubbing his eyes and embracing me in a hug.

Y/n:" me to baby" I say quietly hugging him back and then giving him a gently kiss on the forehead.

It was later that night and I was cooking dinner and Dylan was at the table colouring in.

Y/n:" Dylan put your colouring away please it's dinner time " I say from the kitchen

Dylan:" no" he says angry

Y/n:" excuse me Dylan Maynard" I say turning around.

He just sits there with his arms crossed not responding.

Y/n:" please put your colouring away baby" I say nicely

Dylan:" no" he should loud and pushes it on the floor.

I sigh knowing exactly why he is acting like this, Conor isn't Home and he is missing him.

Y/n:" come here baby" I say picking up his colouring book and kneeling beside him.

He has his arms still crossed while looking down.

Y/n:" are you angry daddy's not here to play and do things with you" I say to him.

He nods his head before a tear slips from his eye. I wipe it away.

After we eat dinner I put our plates in the sink and go and give Dylan a shower. After Dylan's shower we both snuggle up together on the couch and watch a Disney movie.

It wasn't long before Dylan drifts off to sleep and I carry him into bed and close his door. I walk back into the kitchen and begin to do the dishes.

I miss Conor so much, I miss having him around, I miss him playing with Dylan as I smile at them, I just miss him and so does Dylan. A tear slips from my eye as my phone begins to ring, I flip it over and she that it's Conor.

Conor:" hey baby" he says happy.

Y/n:" hey" I say sad

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