Building A Relationship

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I set up a tent against the billboard the raiders were using to set up an ambush. The tarp is white, reflecting the light and heat. Not obsourbing it. Then I cleaned and wraped my arm from where a bullet grazed me. Then I helped Arcade in and got us a snack for lunch. Cooked up some rice and squirel bits. Added in some seasonings and such to make it taste a little better. From there we've both taken a little break. Sat in the tent, our bedrolls laid out. We ate and he complimented my cooking. When we finished we just sat there and talked. "You know Tony, I was really convinced you were mentally challenged." He says.
"Haha, why th-thank you." I chuckle.
"Pretty good actor." He says. "So what do you like to do? What are your interests?" He asks.
"Oh, uh I'm a huge nerd. I l-like helping people as a doctor. I love learning a-about history and languages and e-e-especially military history. It's all very interesting to me. V-valuable to learn these things too." I smile.
"I know, it's a shame not more people are interested in learning like that. Like you and I are." He says.
"I-I know, right? If if if more people thought and learned w-we wouldn't have p-people like Caesar running around. Th-that ignorant motherfucker. H-he's even more unpleasant in person." I say.
"Hah, wait you've seen him in person?" He asks. I nod.
"His r-real name is Edward S-Sallow, and he j-just couldn't get over my st-stutter. He laughed. Him, th-the guy that read a book about th-the fall of the Romans and de-decided 'Hey, th-that's a pretty dope idea.' And then assimilated nearby tribes. T-too fast too. M-mark my words. Th-the Legion is not as as uh powerful as they make themselves seem. Wh-when Caesar dies, and it'll be very very soon, there will be a collapse and his e-empire will shatter amongst h-his high ranking. Vulpes and Lucius specifically. Then th-the tribes he assimilated will return to their roots and rebel against the Legion." I say.
"Woah, you've really thought all of this out." Arcade says, a little impressed.
"Y-yea, of course I did. It's obvious. Caesar threw his gang together in a matter of decades. And not only that the tribes still r-remember who they were before the Legion but the Legion r-resembles Rome durring it's fall, not in its height. Be-besides. He has 3 months tops before he d-dies. He has a brain tumor. H-he told me he's had it for a-a few years. E-everything about the Legion is pulling them to an end. A gruesome one." I say.
"He has a tumor?" He asks.
"Yea, he asked me to operate o-on it. So I did. I-I spead th-the proccess up." I say.
"I'm not sure whether to be clapping or questioning legitimacy." He chuckles.
"It happened, y-you can trust me on that." I say. "I couldn't make this shit up if-if I tried."
"Haha, you're not what I expected when I first saw you." He says.
"I know, th-thats good. Trying to s-sound dumb isn't enough. I g-gotta look the part too. Stubble, raggity hair. It-its been so long since I've had a pr-proper hair cut. I didn't used to look like this." I tell him
"I could cut your hair for you. What did it look like?" He asks. I look at him.
"N-no I couldn't make y-you do that." I say.
"Come on, trying to be someone you're not only hurts you." He puts his hand on my shoulder. I smile at him.
"You have a-a point." I say. I pull my personal journal from my bag. I grab a picture of Micky and I back in Denver. My ex boyfriend. I show him.
"That's you?" He asks, pointing to me. I nod.
"Yea, th-that one's me." I say.
"Who's that other guy?" He asks.
"Uh, M-Micky. He w-was my boyfriend. My ex now. I k-know I lied about my uhh intelligence but tr-trust me when I say so far I've had terrible taste in m-men." I say.
"Oh. But you look nice in this picture. Handsome, even." He says. I blush.
"Thanks." I say.
"I could cut you hair. Do you want me to?" He asks. I nod.
"Th-that'd be nice of you." I say. He smiles.
"It's the least I could do." He says.

So I'm sitting on a rock near the tent. He's standing behind me and cutting my hair like it used to look. "A-Arcade I can't thank you enough." I say, a tear rolling down my cheek.
"You don't have to." He says. "You know, I usually don't like people. That's why I did research at the fort. But you, I dunno. I like you." He says. I smile big, even though he can't see it.
"I like you t-too, you're very interesting. The uhm only one s-since I've given up on myself to know who I am too." I say.
"I'm glad I'm that person. Hiding who you are is unhealthy." He says.
"I know, I-I've attempted suicide over all th-this. It hurts Arcade." I say. He finishes up trimming my hair.
"It's okay, ending your life doesn't solve anything." He says.
"I c-could argue, but I won't. I'll listen to you." I say.
"That's good." He says. "You should listen to me on that. It's not worth it to end your life." He pats my shoulders.
"Yea, y-you're right. I-I'm gonna go shave this stubble off now." I say, grabbing my straight razor and a bottle of water to rinse with.
"Alright. I'll be here." He says. I walk around behind the billboard and set my pip-boy on the little ledge at the bottom of it. I crouch down and use the screen as a mirror. I wet the blade and start shaving. It's been a while since I've shaved. A good bit of hair is coming off of my face. I get my right cheek, chin, and neck pretty good but when I reach the left side of my cheek I accidentally cut my cheek a bit. Just enough to draw blood.
"Ugh, d-damn it!" I curse. Arcade rushes over to this side of the billboard.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
"Y-yea, just.. cut my face a bit." I say. I finish shaving what's left and put the razor in the water. Arcade goes back around and grabs a rag. He comes back and dabs my cheek. I crack a smile.
"I'll get you a bandaid." He says, handing the rag to me. I smile.
"Thanks handsome." I say quietly once he's out of ear range. He comes back and puts a small bandage on it. "Was that uhm really necessary?" I ask.
"Yea, infections come very easy in the wasteland. Leaving that uncovered could be the difference between life and death." He says.
"Yea." I nod. I ignore the risks and just say it. "Th-thank you, handsome." I smile at him. He looks caught off guard blushing then smiles softly.
"Hah, you're welcome." He says nervously and blushing more.
"I think I-I'm gonna go read. Wanna come?" I ask.
"I thought you were gonna tell me about the vault." He points out. I nod.
"Or we c-could do that. It's n-n-not that interesting mind you." I say. He scoffs.
"Well I'll be the judge of that." He says and we walk around to the tent.

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